September 28th, 2017

[info]psls_fun in [info]fandom_psls

Night at the Museum - Ahkmenrah ?

If anyone is interested in a movie based 'Night at the Museum' PSL involving Ahkmenrah and a female Imogen Poots OC/PB as the New Night Guard. A few years past the third installment.

Let me know!

I have an idea in mind.

I'm looking for someone willing to do long term. Willing to add to the plot. To play several characters to make the line richer... Etc. You get the idea.

Comments screened.

[info]loyaltonarnia in [info]fandom_psls

I was on YouTube this morning and saw these amazing Peter Pevensie and Hermione Granger videos. Does anyone happen to play Hermione still and would join me at [info]reconsider possibly for a line between the two of them? I'd also do a private line as well.

[info]singingteapots in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a range of lines for Lily involving the following characters: Remus, James, Alice or Severus. I am also not opposed to time-turner-esque lines where Lily is the one sent to the future. If the latter interests you then I'd love a Sirius because I think that could make for an interesting dynamic. If there are other characters you think would work, let me know. I'm also open to cross-overs.

Basically, I'm just itching to write!

[info]wearetwd in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone up for playing a female from Telltale's The Walking Dead universe?

Would also love to play in their Batman universe as well if anyone was interested in that as well!

[info]riverrun in [info]fandom_psls

anyone out there interested in a game of thrones gpsl during robert's rebellion?

May 2024



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