September 24th, 2017

[info]sugar2yourspice in [info]fandom_psls

Is there a home or psl for an Annie Edison?

[info]art_and_stuff in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a couple more PSLs if anyone is interested.

I have some characters here and a few plot ideas there. Let me know if anything strikes your fancy!

[info]plumpboy in [info]fandom_psls

Huge long shot but would anyone play one of the females from the series vice principals against Neal Gamby? would adore a Mrs. Snodgrass, Ms. Abbott, Janice or Dr. Brown but would be willing to talk about other minor characters!

And I can play one of the other men too, he's just the one that I know the best since I love Danny boy here.

[info]artoria in [info]fandom_psls

Any fate/stay fans out there who would be interested in a group psl or even just a psl? I'd love something against Lancer or Gilgamesh.

[info]indelible_ink in [info]fandom_psls

Always on the lookout for Lord of the Rings lines, especially slash. Legolas/Aragorn or Legolas/Gimli are high on my priority list, as well as Merry/Pippin, but I'm also interested in Thorin/Bilbo or trying some het pairings like Arwen/Aragorn. (Second name in the pairing is who I'm looking for.) Check the journal for more info, and other fandoms I'm looking at, too!

[info]mindchuck in [info]fandom_psls

Could I get an Erik for Charles? (XMFC movieverse)

[info]horoscopic in [info]fandom_psls

[info]bishojo Mamoru, Jadeite, Zoisite, Kunzite, and Naru for lines. I'll help find pbs and make icons if it helps!

[info]braaaiiins in [info]fandom_psls

i’ve decided to bring either mira forrester, lyessa flint, or lyra mormont to [info]maester. which one would be wanted more? i’d also take un recommendations.

[info]bottlednight in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for the following:

Someone to play Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13 against. Willing to cross fandoms and AUs. Barry Allen or Bruce Banner would be interesting, but open to anything.

Someone to play Rose Weasley against. Again, willing to cross fandoms. I'd love to do a drama line with her with Teddy, but am willing to do so much. AUs, Time Travel, crack. Whatever. Any fandom, throw it at me. Even something like Criminal Minds.

Again with Veronica Mars. ANYTHING! Her in SPN land would be interesting as well.

And if anyone also knows anything about Meg Cabot series and would like to play in them with me, let me know! (1-800, Mediator, PD, Heather Wells, etc)

Comments are screened! Feel free to PM me.

[info]vyce in [info]fandom_psls

Currently looking for some Pokemon lines, lighthearted modern-day superheroics and some story-driven smutty goodness (among other cravings). Check the journal for all the needed info, and contact me there if interested.

[info]vaultsuit in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in a fallout psl/gpsl?

[info]agent_maria in [info]fandom_psls

If the third time is the charm, could I possibly get a Bucky Barnes for Maria Hill?

May 2024



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