September 21st, 2017

[info]horoscopic in [info]fandom_psls

[info]bishojo Jadeite the late night radio host. Zoisite as a rival television personality selling beauty products that promise 'eternal youth.' Or maybe a rising star in the drag scene! Kunzite as an unflappable talent agent à la Princess Carolyn. Bonus points if he manages all the reborn Shittenou. Give them to me now.

[info]loyaltonarnia in [info]fandom_psls

This is probably a long shot.. but does anyone play Prince Caspian? I'd love him for a line over at [info]reconsider

[info]happymiserable in [info]fandom_psls

Rewatching Game of Thrones has me wondering what might have happened if Robb Stark had listened to his mother and not gone back on his promise to Walder Frey. The promise to choose one of the Frey daughters for his bride. It could be a fun AU if there are any Robb muses who would be up for giving it a chance. No instant romances. In fact, it would be hilarious and wonderful if they despised each other right off the bat and he was intending to marry one of her sisters. She could be older or around the same age. I have no set face for the character.

I have so many plots ranging from fluff to smutty and dark and angsty, depending on what direction you want to go. Or we can change it up and maybe something happens with one of the brothers instead.

Mixing things up but still maybe keeping some of the canon can be brainstormed. I am open to trying all the things here. If there is a possibility for doing a group psl, that might be interesting as well.

[info]spicedcandles in [info]fandom_psls

Hello there everyone! I'm hoping to get some psls or gpsls. I prefer to write on dw because Ij doesn't load well for me anymore but I'm up for all kinds of plots. Characters I play and more information in the journal!

[info]foxmask in [info]fandom_psls

I would burn it all down for a Montag/Clarisse line.

[info]valtorr in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for some new storylines! Preferably long-term, world-building, and a mix of plot and adult scenes.


• Once Upon a Time
• Disney
• Riverdale
• Assassin's Creed (mainly looking for someone to write Jacob against Ezio, been wanting to try out this pairing for awhile)

For most of those, I'm pretty open about who I play and pairings! If you've been dying for a particular combo, hit me up. And if something doesn't jive, I'll say so and will offer alternatives.

[info]banshee_queen in [info]fandom_psls

Sylvanas Windrunner

I'm searching for someone to play against my Sylvanas in a femslash line. It would be great if you know Warcraft lore but if not the backstory can be explained. This would hopefully turn into a long-lasting line and I'm really hoping I find someone interested. Comment to discuss further.

May 2024



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