May 13th, 2017

[info]organas in [info]fandom_psls

Lines for Leia? Would particularly love a Poe for post-TFA shenanigans, and a Han for general shenanigans.

[info]becooper in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be up for playing Jughead Jones against Betty?

[info]starlordpeter in [info]fandom_psls

Anything for this guy? Het or slash as long as there is plot and maybe some mixtapes.

[info]vilebaddie in [info]fandom_psls

Dark and potentially smutty lines/crossovers for Soulless!Sam or Demon!Dean?

Could play one of the boys straight up for a dark woman like Rowena or Meg too.

[info]thirtypieces in [info]fandom_psls

Possibly a longshot, but I'd like to maybe play some of the Critical Role NPCs, just to have some fun with what they're doing while our intrepid band of adventurers are off battling dragons, devils, and... doors.

I'm mainly looking to play Kynan against either Jarett or Gilmore, or Gilmore against either Kynan or Jarett.

I could also potentially be convinced to do some pre-stream Briarwoods action (either immediately before or immediately after Silas was turned into a vampire, and I'm down with playing either role), or some poly Greyskull Keep guards pre-Chroma Conclave attack. But I'd like to fill the first line first before I fill either of these.

[info]southernpeachs in [info]fandom_psls

TWD/Still looking

I know this might be a little far fetched to ask because some writers don't care much for OCs but I would really, really love a Negan to play against her for a psl. I have a few ideas I'd love to discuss and I always love to hear other ideas as well!

I think it could be a really fun and enjoyable line! :)

[info]pelvicsorcerer in [info]fandom_psls

[info]valar Drax. Mantis. Nebula. (Even Taserface if you want...*snicker*) Yondu. Kraglin.

All of my dancing moves for you sweet, dysfunctional babies to join the rest of the Guardians.

[info]crown in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for specific lines for Sansa. )

And I have several ideas for Jon. Threading only, three to four paragraphs per tag. Looking to do a lot of world-building and take things to the ultimate conclusion of the series, just our own conclusion instead of GRRM's. :D

[info]gotham_men in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play in the Gotham Fandom these days?

Would love to play out a long-term Het line. Or even build a world within the streets of Gotham. Willing to play almost any male from the show against almost any female, honestly. Love to mix things up!

May 2024



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