April 17th, 2017

[info]showyoursmile in [info]fandom_psls

Was trying to resist, but I am itching to dust off my Regulus Black. AU fix-its are my drug, all things considered, but canon tragedy is...also my drug, so, there is that. Gen (familyyyy, besties for the restieees, etc.), het, and slash are all fair game (though I am a fade-to-blacker, if that is a dealbreaker). Death Eater relationships, complicated Order relationships (more AUish), navigating interaction with more neutral parties -- also all fair game. I have a lot of canon-aligned and AU-aligned ideas related to Regulus, so I'm not locked on any one thing in particular, but I do have a lot of thoughts to bring to the table. I love plot, worldbuilding, things of that nature~ I just miss messing around in his head.

PSLs only for right now. Comments are screened for privacy. ♥

[info]brookrichie in [info]fandom_psls

This is a request that prooobably isn't going to get much, which is fair.
For those in the Sherlock (BBC) fandom, I'd love to play a Richard Brook against a Severin Moran or a Jim, if that's something you're into. I'd also play against almost anyone from the show, feel free to run someone past me! I'm game for serious stuff, fluff, gen lines for Jim if you're not into them as a thing, or.. pretty much any AU under the sun.

Open to threading, email, im, pretty much whatever else! Comment here or in the journal if you need offsite contacts. :D
Hope to hear from you!

[info]peru in [info]fandom_psls

Check the journal, looking for a couple more lines, I'd love something​ Star Wars for Rey or Finn, or anything HP.

[info]warg in [info]fandom_psls

It's been a long time since I asked, and since the school year is ending and the new season is approaching I figured I'd give it another go. Does anyone write women from asoiaf/got who'd be interested in writing against Jon? I would also be down to try Rhaegar and Lyanna (as either character). Comment here or in the journal.

[info]hotshot in [info]fandom_psls

Star Wars Feels

I'm looking for lines for this guy, right here. I have ideas worked out for a Finn or Rey. But I'd also be open to doing something with a Leia, or some time-travel multi-gen AU. Hit me up!

And while I'm here, if anyone is interested in Panfandom games:

Over at [info]pitboss we have a nice crop of Star Wars characters growing, and would love to add a few more to the mix. Especially a Han Solo &/or a Finn.

The [info]pitboss Avengers are also looking for a Sharon Carter, Vision, Rhodey, Sam, T'Challa &/or Thor! So you ought to head on over. It's a party! Check us out or drop me a line here to discuss specifics! :)

[info]maninwhite in [info]fandom_psls

Could I get some PSLs for this jerk? I would love a Jyn Erso for something very AU - yes, I have ideas in mind. I also have ideas for something with a Leia if anyone is interested.

May 2024



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