November 13th, 2012

[info]youmove in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators Thor, where are you? My Cap is comicverse (profile here), but if you're not familiar with the comics, that's totally fine. Our Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bruce, and Darcy are all movieverse, in addition to our comic-based Ms. Marvel and Scarlet Witch. I think it's pretty interesting to play comic!Avengers opposite movie!Avengers. In one world, they've known each forever, but in the other, they've only just met. Some of them also have very different relationships/elaborate histories, which creates some conflict/confusion. Case in point: from the point in comic canon from which Steve was plucked, Thor is dead, so he'd get a pretty giant hug if he turned up.

My kingdom for a Peter Parker, film or comic! Steve is very fond of him, and it would be a blast to tug him into the Avengers fold even if he'd never seen them before in his life.

I'd also love to see: Falcon, Namor, Daredevil, Wasp, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine.

Other X-Men characters would be great too (especially Magneto and Emma Frost). We already have a comicverse Rogue, Kitty Pryde, and Pete Wisdom. I'd personally prefer comic X-Men for the character link, since there's no connection between the X-Men films and the Avengers films.

The game could also use more villains! Marvel-wise: Viper, Enchantress, Doctor Doom, Elektra, any of the Hellfire Club, Mystique, and Venom.

Don't be intimidated by the detail of the premise! It's extremely welcome, the learning curve is easy, and the activity requirements are very relaxed.

[info]schmendrick in [info]fandom_psls

[info]flyleaves We've just acquired an Aziraphale who would love to acquire a vague, sauntering demon, and I would personally love someone with Martin Freeman's face to pal around with the world's worst magician when he's on the case. you know henry jekyll would be hilarious come to think of it, the world's worst magician and the world's worst scientist, and watson would get to keep his phd

[info]emmasw in [info]fandom_psls

[info]hotelhell I would love to get a Hook and Snow/Mary Margaret. The other OUAT people would love to see Sleeping Beauty, Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin, Paige/Grace, Granny, Mulan, The Giant, Anita, Cora and anyone else from the show that isn't taken! The ones we have so far are awesome so come join us.

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