October 8th, 2012

[info]ex_lovespie130 in [info]fandom_psls

Answering threads when I wake up in the AM.

I'd love a Benny, and a Sam Winchester for two separate storylines revolving around Purgatory. Pleaaase?

[info]wearetwd in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a long ass shot, but would there be anyone that would be up for writing The Walking Dead, but in the comic-verse? (I'd be open to including elements from the show and/or the Telltale Game)... I just hate that the TV series was so Shane-centric and I'm afraid they'll -screw- up the Governor line up and I don't want to take my chances.

I'd be open to playing most guys (Rick, Gleen, Tyrese, Dale, Axel, The Governor himself.... I just met Abraham but I'll likely read through 10-15 more tonight. I have the first 90 to go through still then will find the others as well so I'll try to stay caught up!)

I'm fine with starting anywhere from the very beginning (and I wouldn't mind briefly including Shane but having him on for 20 episodes was ridiculous / unneeded so badly) or up to the Governor storyline. I'd even be open to making a comm so that we could each play a few people. Just let me know what you would be in to!

[info]shiftbreak in [info]fandom_psls

My kingdom for a Garnet/Dagger at [info]thegladiators! Or Kuja? We could use more baddies! Any FF9 cast members would be love.

[info]text_life in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a little low-stress RP in your life? Like to have a PSL, but have the sort of life that means daily tags are a little difficult?

If so, you're not the only one.

I love to write and plot and PSL, but I'm pretty time-poor. I'm hoping there might be someone in similar boat (or someone sympathetic to my plight)who'd like to run a low-stress line with me. I won't be on your case about lags between tags and I hope you'll forgive me if I go a week or sometimes two without replying. I imagine a little bit or email communications in between to keep us up-to-date.

I'm interested in supernatural, historical and romance/drama lines; het or femme; played by lines (but not celeb); some fandoms. Have a look at my journal or suggest your own.

If this sounds like you, drop me a line. All comments are screened.

[info]commonreactor in [info]fandom_psls

check the journal. Looking to pick up a few sl's ^_^

[info]bluejayway in [info]fandom_psls

It's been a couple of years since I last roleplayed fandom and I'm really starting to miss it, so any lines for the inactive characters listed here? I'd also love to join a nice, friendly, active panfandom game. I miss those too, but I don't know which games are out there right now.

Comment here or in my journal. All comments are screened.

[info]suffer2care in [info]fandom_psls

Just finished rewatching the Avengers...anyone want anything with Black Widow? Comments screened.

[info]roleplaynazi in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a Sherlock or Lestrade for my John? BBC Sherlock. Slash or eventual slash, but platonic works, too. I was thinking post Reichenbach, with John engaged or married to Mary Morstan when Sherlock returns. Angst,of course, ensues. OR something else, like AU? Let's plot!

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