May 5th, 2012

[info]sugar2yourspice in [info]fandom_psls

Got bit the Community bug! I would kill for the chance to play out a crazy whacked out Jeff/Annie PSL. I've seen most of the episodes so canon might be sketchy but all the more reason to stretch it out to AU. Can I get a Jeff to my Annie? Pretty pretty please with cherries and sprinkles on top?

[info]stupidsatan in [info]fandom_psls

H'okay, so I'm looking for a couple lines and I'm hoping some of ya'll can help me fill them. Flakes need not apply, thanks. Aim or Threading works, and I write in third person storybook format. All lines are up for discussion.

Dean & Castiel: I can play either character, it doesn't really bother me at all. I'd love something to do with Future!Cas and Future!Dean when the Apocalypse is happening and Sam is long gone and currently walking as Lucifer, or even current Dean and Castiel can be played if it's rathered.

Sam & Jess: I'd love to play Jess in this line, starting from when she and Sam first met and maybe Dean never picked him up so she never died. Line is up for discussion.

Sam & Genevieve Cortese: Sam gets zapped through into a different dimension where he's the actor Jared Padalecki instead, and he's married to the actress Genevieve Cortese. I'd love to play Genevieve in this line. Line is up for discussion.

Dean & Alastair: I'd love an Alastair to use my Dean as his play toy in Hell, basically break him and maybe a bit of Stockholm Syndrome where Dean actually starts feeling for his torturer.

Demon!Dean: I'd love a Sam Winchester, or a Jo Harvelle - Hell, even a Ruby would be awesome but basically Dean is in Hell for three hundred or four hundred years and he's sent back to the surface to do Hell's bidding, and begins to start taking out all the Hunters he knows of since Dean knows plenty of them but for some reason, Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester, and the Harvelle's are untouched where as all other Hunters are dropping around them. I'd love for a Wincest line to come from it since Dean has lost all humanity, or a Jo to track him down or a Ruby to corrupt him further.

Dean Smith & Sam Wesson: I can play either but I'd rather play Dean Smith. Line basically being from their other reality since they aren't Hunters. I'd love to play them as not being brothers and actually just two different people in that reality.

Wincest: I'm open for absolutely any Wincest line that's wanted or needed and can play either Sam or Dean.

Lucifer, Ruby 2.0, Balthazar & Castiel: I'm also willing to offer up my Castiel, Ruby, Balthazar or Lucifer to whatever you see fit to do with either of them. I have no storylines in mind for them but I'm definitely open for discussion with those characters.

[info]rogerthatcap in [info]fandom_psls

Threading only please.

I've been bit by the bug that is the Avengers!! Looking for a Tony Stark to my Steve Rogers. Post or pre movie are all fine by me.

[info]ex_ellise981 in [info]fandom_psls

Not entirely sure how I want to do this just yet, but I would love to write this girl (well - a pb with the face of Amber Heard, not this girl in particular) against a Klaus from Vampire Diaries. I was thinking maybe something along the lines of her being related to Caroline somehow, maybe her older sister or a cousin who comes to stay with her or something and somehow she gets involved with him (he could move on to her after Caroline continuously turns him down or she could make a move on him...whatever!)

Brainstorming would obviously be necessary, so feel free to make a custom to discuss this or even ask me to make one. I am willing to give other ideas a try, but I'm really interested in making this one work.

[info]cradled in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in a pan-fandom psl or gpsl where we play multiple characters? fandoms can be listed upon request!

[info]knowhere in [info]fandom_psls

Avengers lines? Anyone? I'm kinda obsessed with everything about that movie. I'm up for anything in terms of pairings or what have you, my fav part of a line is the plotting. So there could be Tony/Bruce and how they're science!boyfriends. Or Tony/Steve and their epic love. Or Natasha/Clint and their hottness, etc. Just throwing some random ideas out there.

[info]dash_dingo in [info]fandom_psls

om nom nom

A few souls from my 'list have apparently disappeared into a crevasse recently, and so, I am interested in finding a couple long-term players, who share my preferences, fandoms, what-have-you. If you're the kind who gets second thoughts, cold-feet, stage-fright, forgot how to use the keyboard, et cetera?: move on, please and thank you.

I'm tired of flaking fuckers; nudge me, stick around, let's have a good time in a virtual sandbox! =D That's what we're here for, right? To start something, and to finish it- in one way or another.

Batman; Nolanverse, TAS, comicverse, Arkham Asylum/City; Wonderland, Burtonverse, original literature, McGee's Alice; Fallout, New Vegas; Pirates of Dark Water; BioShock 1 & 2; Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Skyrim; Vampire Chronicles, and a couple others that I'm not actively seeking. I.E: FF, KH.

Got a few things on pause due to aforementioned flakers, myself and my two friends will be quite happy to continue said storylines. Read my profile thoroughly, (you'll only ever need to do it once!) and you'll win a chocolate biscuit. Or an oreo. Or a Tim Tam, even.

June 2024



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