April 20th, 2012

[info]italiana in [info]fandom_psls

hunger games lines anyone? i'd be up to use ocs, but i'd also love to play delly against peeta or katniss against gale or peeta. for canon i would love something either during mockingjay or after

[info]0170 in [info]fandom_psls

Would love a Psych, Dexter, Weeds, or Prison Break het line or crossover.... have others in the journal as well but these are the biggin's right now!

[info]30minutemeals in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for something for my Liz Parker of Roswell. Throw a fandom out me and I'll see if I can come up with any ideas for plot. Note: I'm especially interested in playing her against Doctor 10 or 11 because I think they'd be a great pair.

[info]sweetwild in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone into House? Looking for a Cameron/Chase, Cameron/House, or Thirteen/Chase.

[info]downtowngirl in [info]fandom_psls

I'm dying to try and put a different tweak on the little-known mini-series Lost In Austen. I'd love to take a more historical and political approach to it, perhaps changing even the 'main' character Amanda entirely. I'd be playing Amanda and George if I could find a Fitz and a Caroline to play against. I'm open to any ideas on blitzing up the original plot from the book too. How can you not want to do a line in the early 19th century and throw in some 'time-traveling' in there? C'mon, roleplayers. Anybody want to take a bite on this hook?

[info]theprettyboy in [info]fandom_psls

I'm on a hunt for a good ol' fashioned Dramoine line with a bit of an AU twist. I don't count most of the fifth book/movie. Mainly, the line would take place right after the fourth year, the summer right after or the beginning of the fifth year. I'd be up for something light-hearted with some dark/moody elements. Something that includes Draco and Harry switching bodies (except Harry-Draco ends up in a coma so there's no one to know until we decide) or using some time-travel from the canon events of the end of the series (or sixth or seventh year). I enjoy exploring my own character's limits as well as your's. Everything from the fifth book to the end is off the table.

June 2024



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