April 1st, 2012

[info]nebulized in [info]fandom_psls

This is probably pretty unlikely, but I'm looking for someone to play Daryl Dixon in something het. The show hints at a lot of depth to his character that's all hidden by layers of gruffness and anger and I'd really love to explore that in some kind of line where he finds someone he can actually open up to. Not in a psychiatric kind of way, but in finding a kinship with someone who might understand. I don't see any of the characters in the show working out for that, so I'd like to play an original character (I've got one worked out) who can handle herself just as well as Daryl can, but I could potentially be open to playing one of the women in the show.

Comments are screened and I'm only looking for threading lines at the moment!

[info]dash_dingo in [info]fandom_psls

Arkham City =D

RIght. So, things have been quiet for some time, and I thought I'd stir things up a bit.

Our Batman: Arkham City RPG is neaaarrlly finished, so I ask you guys this: What are you looking forward to in such a game, what do you expect, what do you want, what would stop you from joining? Myself and the others want to make sure we've covered ground, and haven't left out anything that we can't incorporate into the game once it's open; core details, that kind of thing. For the latter question, we'd like to know about dislikes that do not cover such things as post length, PB wars, etc. Think of things like... Er. Canon roles in the City, what players can and can't do as one of the major gang leaders, TYGER, Professor Strange, turf wars, gangs, metahuman powers.

The basics:
No PBs. Videogame renders, artwork, or nothin' at all.
Set before the videogame, during the early digital comics.
Not multiverse/panfandom/whathaveyou. Arkham City canon only, with some details taken from TAS, and comicverse canon.
Freeform, open sandbox environment.
A chapter-based calendar system.
Plots are handled by the players. The staff won't lead members by the hand or force players to follow a game-wide, linear plot.

Coinciding with our plot/timeline, superheroes are not allowed: no Batman, no Oracle, no Nightwing, no Robin, no Superman. We wanted to create a game where players can play as criminals with no superheroes around to save the day. The Dark Knight is not running through the city, kicking thugs in the teeth and warning them not to engage in evil plots™.
Petty thieves, drug dealers, mob bosses, good samaritans: have a minor record? You're in the City. If the Professor simply doesn't like you? You'll be arrested and thrown into the City, too.

We are not considering:
AU games and OOC games: pretty much restricted to the IF crowd, but it still had to be listed here. I guess that the journal equivalent would be the meme/crack comms.
AIM/Messenger logs.
Metahuman powers: these are restricted to their respective Canon characters. This is not a superpowers game, i.e X-men: create your own superhero or supervillain, and run amok, flinging fireballs or electricity orbs about the city, or transforming into giant anthropomorphic orcas.
... I can't think of anything else important right now. My morning coffee, I need it.

Note: We appreciate feedback and questions and all the other good things, but please, if you're going to leave a comment, don't play doorbell-ditch. There's no point in leaving a critique or a question, and never coming back. We have less respect for folks who post as anons. Enough said.

X-posted a couple times.

[info]asurvivor in [info]fandom_psls

Any chance I could find a Damon for my Elena in a long-term PSL?

[info]petrova_fire in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a VD PSL based on the offer Klaus made to the Salvatore brothers in S3E13. They leave her alone and she gets to have a normal life, marry Matt and raise a family. Finally deciding it was worth it they agreed. Elena's memory of both brothers and and vampires in general was wiped. Caroline was compelled by Klaus to never reveal to Elena that she was a vampire. Alaric and Bonnie...those details can be worked out.

I need a Stefan and or Damon for this line, it's set 10 years into the future so she's like 28.

Comment here or you can reach me at vervain necklace

[info]gotcomplicated in [info]fandom_psls

I can't help the itch. Any Damon's want to play against goody-two shoes Elena Gilbert or a snarky Caroline Forbes? I'll write in as Stefan for some drama.

[info]devilwontcry in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a Trish, Lady, or even Morrigan or X-23 for this Dante?

[info]kamcanalso in [info]fandom_psls

Any wolves out there?

Looking for:

A Twilight (BOOK-VERSE ONLY) Wolf Pack line or similar circumstanced wolf-shifter line. The only thing that I liked about Twilight was the dynamics of the Wolf Pack and the “imprinting” aspect. So, I would love to play a female against a male in a line where:

1. The imprinting happened years ago, and one or more of the parents stole her away because the thought terrified them. I would love to explore the effects of forcibly being away from your soul mate for an extended amount of time, and also the reunion.

Twist: If both female and male were shifters. The male is slightly older, and when he comes of age will be titled Alpha. Having been imprinted on her from the day she was born, the time comes to tell her this (maybe when puberty hits) and the mother freaks out and takes her away from the pack, which could have damaging effects on her (1. Being away from a pack when you are a pack animal and 2. Being away from your soul mate).

2. Everyone knows about the imprinting. But, in the female’s words, she has no intentions of being ‘someone’s bitch’. So, she tries to reject it, and she lets everyone know that when she comes of age (21) she is leaving and never coming back to pack life.

Fun Facts!

I can also offer up a male character for your female, or a female for a female of your choosing. I don’t mind playing more than one. I love AIM-based RP’s, but I can thread too. But I do ask that we e-mail or AIM chat for plotting. I am open to almost anything (except: Slash, Scat/Watersports or Mpreg).

Hit me up on AIM: toriannettee or comment here! Comments are screened.

[info]hansolo in [info]fandom_psls

Two to Beam Up!

The keep screening the new movie on FX, and it's giving me serious Star Trek cravings. Would anyone be interested in a Star Trek line (either XI or TOS)? I prefer to play Spock and McCoy, but I would also be happy to play Kirk. The line would preferably be against a Kirk, Spock, Bones or Uhura. The line could be romantic or platonic in whatever permutation, but ideally with plot. Perhaps adapting some old TOS plots to the new Trek universe, or playing with ridiculous fandom tropes?

[info]iknowhereyouare in [info]fandom_psls

Heroes line? Molly Walker for a het line against Sylar? I know it's not a popular pairing but it's always interested me. I don't have a specific plot but have a couple of ideas that could be hashed together for an awesome line. I'd be willing to try different characters as well.

[info]downtowngirl in [info]fandom_psls

Pride & Prejudice line with a twist?
Hunger Games that takes place at the end of the first book?

[info]againstalltides in [info]fandom_psls

Any Game of Thrones/ASOIAF muses out there? I'd love to try my hand at Sansa, Cersei, Tyrion, or Margaery against really anyone from the books or show. AU or canon-- makes no difference! I prefer threading and darker lines with lots of character development.

June 2024



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