March 29th, 2012

[info]ex_ending307 in [info]fandom_psls

so, after reading the book and then seeing the movie, i'd really like to take a stab at playing katniss. preferably against gale, but a peeta would be great too!

[info]hosts in [info]fandom_psls

final fantasy

[info]midgarmods is set in FF7/FF8 cross universe and open to almost all FF characters! I would especially love a Rinoa and an Ellone for my Squall (we have a Seifer, Selphie, and Laguna already!), some more Shinra people for my Reeve, and some more sky pirate types or a Mjrn for my Fran!

&edit: I'm also thinking Crissy ([info]cristophes) could use a rival-line in [info]guardianforces, an FF8 game. Maybe someone she grew up with in Balamb, but who then went to Trabia Garden, but details open. But some not-so-friendly competition would be fun! Crissy is normally so composed, so someone who can get under her skin! But any new kids would be great.

[info]yourblogger in [info]fandom_psls

Willing to give my left arm for a smutty Sherlock line (just for the night or building on plot later, I'm open to both). Open to a variety of pairings, and I've the added benefit of being utterly shameless. Hit me up if you're interested, here or through PM.

[info]allisonknowles in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a Shane Walsh or Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead to play against my OC here (I'm willing to play against a male OC as well). Her bio is under construction, but I do have a rough outline for the line I had in mind (it's basically written for Shane/my OC but things can be altered to suit Daryl instead - or something completely different can be thought up!). I really want the same dynamic of my storyline that I have posted, where the people are in an impossible situation (such as an zombie apocalypse type setting) and they aren't the best of friends. I enjoy angst & smut in my lines and don't want something that is all rainbows and butterflies and everything is right in the world.

I would really like to use Mandy Murphy here as the face of my OC, however I am willing to discuss other options if necessary. I am only looking for lines done through threading, but beyond that, I am up for just about anything.

[info]stupidsatan in [info]fandom_psls

hmm.. now who shall i have fun with today?

[info]ritam in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone play Simon Ram against River in something thread-based?

[info]chloefrazer in [info]fandom_psls

Uncharted anyone?

or SGA/SG1 Vala and Sheppard?

[info]corinthium in [info]fandom_psls

x-posted, sorry!

Does anyone het Zachary Quinto? Or maybe even Sylar from Heroes? I know it's a long shot, but yeah, I'm more than a little obsessing in love with him right now.

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