February 27th, 2012

[info]holmesian in [info]fandom_psls

Watson, I find myself in need of your presence to put a most puzzling matter to rest. In short, I've found a quaint little place that I think you would rather enjoy visiting. Preferably without Mary around. There's even a contemporary version of ourselves and that could make for some interesting arguments debates. I think this warrants further investigation and I could do with your companionship to smooth out certain matters along the way.

(Happy to discuss details with anyone interested. If I can't find a Watson for joining the comm, would anyone be interested in playing Watson in just a PSL?)

[info]drkmsmarvel in [info]fandom_psls


Does anyone play Emma Frost from the X-men/Marvel Universe?

[info]ex_prettywom965 in [info]fandom_psls

i would absolutely love to find someone to play the neighbor in a line where my girl enjoys teasing her much older guy next door (i would love for this to be against one of the guys from sons of anarchy - not picky about which one!) by undressing with her curtains open and finally he reaches his breaking point and comes over to take what he thinks is rightfully his. could be dub-con, the girl could be completely willing, it doesn't matter. i would like for her to be 18-20 and i would like him to be into his 40's, maybe even into his 50's (the youngest i want him to be is 38ish).

everything you need to know is in my journal, as well as other line ideas that could be used to jumpstart some brain storming.

[info]playboymouth in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play any characters from The Walking Dead?

[info]tnystrk in [info]fandom_psls

one more try before I give up on ever having this line...

Steve Rogers for my Tony Stark? Mainly Movie!Verse please?

[info]hosts in [info]fandom_psls

I am about three years behind the times here, but I'm watching the last episode of the Korean "Boys Over Flowers" and would do just about anything for a Ga Eul/Yi Jung line. There are tons of possibilities on where to pick it up, so...yeah! I'll play either!

[info]siberiantiger in [info]fandom_psls

Would love to find a Cassie for this Jake from Animorphs to bring to a panfan game. Lines can be offered from Tobias and Rachel too. Marco and Ax would also be loved!

June 2024



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