January 10th, 2012

[info]alexandrabowen in [info]fandom_psls

Hope this is allowed here!

How about something for this lovely lady here? Het only, everything done through journals (sorry, no AIM!) and I'd love for it to be extra smutty. I wouldn't mind doing something involving incest, but I'm open to anything. I'd love for the line to have some substance to it, but sex will play a big part in things as well. I play her around 18-20, so dramatic age gaps are a big plus (over 30 is great, but over 40 would be even more fun).

Onto the fandom part - I know my girl is a PB, but I would love to play her against a character from any of the following shows: Mad Men (modernized, of course), Supernatural, Sons Of Anarchy, White Collar & Oz. There are specific characters from each I would prefer to play against, but I'm not opposed to trying new things and going outside my comfort zone (which means there are shows that I might not watch that I would be interested in playing against).

[info]thefirsthybrid in [info]fandom_psls

Rebekah, love. please make your way to [info]obsessions immediately!

[info]drawntotheflame in [info]fandom_psls

Damon or Stefan for this girl?

After last weeks show I'm looking forward to play her again.

[info]tend in [info]fandom_psls

Ten(or meta)/Rose anyone?

[info]alonafieore in [info]fandom_psls

Ignore the journal, but could I get anything against my Jo? I have a pretty detailed line in mind. :)

[info]petrichor in [info]fandom_psls

Hello everyone! I just watched Red Eye for the thousandth time, and none of my usual crisis!friends are online to talk me out of this, so! I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask around.

Would anyone potentially be interested in playing the "Jackson Ripner" to my Lisa Reisert, in one of the following scenarios:

1. The first twenty minutes of the movie (flirtation, plane-boarding, etc) are canon. The line branches off from there. What if Jackson were actually just an unfortunately named guy, rather than an elite assassin?

2. The entire movie is canon. Jackson doesn't actually die. Several years later, he's fully recovered and intent on finding the only person who ever defeated him again. Dot dot dot...

Comments are screened, just in case you are as enthusiastic-yet-embarrassed by the potential as I am and don't want to be singled out. Ta!

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