December 29th, 2011

[info]1ncebitten in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone willing to play a game based on Kick-Ass or Super ?

I'd love to play one of the male characters in one of these verses against one of the women but I'd be up for attempting OCs if that was what was wanted.

[info]guardianforces in [info]fandom_psls

[info]guardianforces the future belongs to the bold.

[info]desertrose in [info]fandom_psls

Going through some old lines of mine and wishing that I hadn't been such a lazy dunce and kept them going. If I ever had a line with you and want to pick our old line up again, let me know :) You all are such great writers and players and are always such fun to write with <3

Check the journal for old customs that we may have had or plot ideas for those who I have yet to meet. I'm always open for new lines as well!

[info]empathicfrost in [info]fandom_psls

PSLs, please?

I've got a whole slew of characters, but I am currently most interested in Percy Weasley, Snape and/or any of the other male HP characters I've got listed here.

Slash preferred at the moment, but like most things, if you have something really rad, I'm willing to talk and change my mind.

[info]trixxyvixxy in [info]fandom_psls

I have some story line ideas here. Am particularly interested in some AU ideas with my Cordelia coming from Holtz, Your Welcome, and a few other areas.

[info]pen_name in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for some long shots.

I'd love to play Howl Pendragon from Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle. Book version only; he's so much more interesting in the books. Willing to take it from any point in the books, and definitely willing to cross-over with this.

I'd like to try my hand at either Sunshine or Constantine from McKinley's Sunshine. I have absolutely no plot ideas for this, so if you've got one, I'd love you forever. I've been considering picking one or the other up in a book-verse type game (or possibly a panfandom that's not too overwhelmed by Supernatural or Harry Potter...) but I've been kind of lousy lately about paying attention to games at large, preferring to focus on my own lines.

And because I'm in love with Sherlock, I'd always love to find lines for John Watson and Gregory Lestrade. I also play Mycroft and Sherlock, but I'm not terribly confident about my Sherlock and I prefer to do Mycroft for single scenes, not as the main character. I don't slash Lestrade, I don't do John/Anthea, and John/Sarah is always a background thing.

Also... Just about ANYTHING with the Three Lights from Sailor Moon. Yaten's my favorite, but seriously, I will play any of the three as long as Inner slash isn't required.

[info]frostgiant in [info]fandom_psls

PSL for strictly filmverse Loki? Crack, serious, crossover, before/au/after the Thor film. I'd be willing to try nearly anything, though I do have a slash line for him so I'd rather fancy finding something on the het side! Sif, Darcy, someone more creative I'm not thinking of - I wouldn't mind toying with a take on Sigyn, either.

May 2024



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