December 27th, 2011

[info]guardianforces in [info]fandom_psls

[info]guardianforces defy fate.

[info]multicolour in [info]fandom_psls

I'm really hankering for a Good Omens slash line between Crowley/Aziraphale (I'd play either), preferably something that has a mix of darkness and lighter (even comedic) moments. I've got a premise that involves them one day waking up human for reasons unknown, and they have to adapt to mortality and their new human needs together. Crowley can continue to inflict a little corruption on Aziraphale, who in turn will continue to prove that the demon isn't really all bad.

It'd be epic to have a plot of some sort going on for them to develop through. Like, they decide that something must be wrong Above or Below, so they go on another adventure to find out what's happening, escaping a few interesting people, leaving a trail of destruction along the way, even get discovered by someone realising the angel and demon are mortal and try to catch them. Maybe Adam the Antichrist has become a teenager, and with hormones and desires raging through him, he's caused a major divine disruption (and created disorder on a more Earthy level, such as freak weather, kamikaze ducks, and wandering hordes of Casanovas prancing across Britain, etc.) and the pair have to figure out a lot more about relationships for themselves before they can start to help the moody Antichrist. Or, y'know, something completely different.

I'm totally open to brainstorming PBs, although if suggestions are welcome, I'd love to see Misha Collins as Crowley (because!) and Simon Baker as Aziraphale (because!).

[info]pickacard in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to pick up a line or two for the coming weeks & More.

Fandom preferential, but willing to do OCs. Het/Fem/Gen preferred, Slash welcome, but I already have a few lines there and would rather get some variety.

AIM, GDocs, and threads are all good too.
AIM: ThingsThatHaunt

[info]petrova_fire in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love some lines for my Elena.

[info]obsessions in [info]fandom_psls

[info]obsessions just did a major cleanout! for all you vampire diaries lovers. stefan, caroline, klaus, alaric, rebekah, bonnie, jeremy, and many others all open!

[info]gammaforest in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a Doctor Who, American Horror Story, or Harry Potter psl? People I play are listed in the journal.

[info]belgarion in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Merlin psl. I have a couple different ideas. The first line is Arthur/Merlin deals with elements post season 4 finale so I won't write the details here to keep from spoiling anyone who hasn't gotten that far. If you're interested you can pm me and I'll tell you all about it.

The other line is still Arthur/Merlin but just to be different I'd like to do a genderswap of some sort - I don't know if anyone would be interested in that - where one of the boys was born a girl rather than turned into one. Actually if someone really wanted to do 'turned into a girl' post season 4 that might be interested too. I'm not fussy.

I'll write either character for any of these lines, though if we're doing genderswapping Arthur I'd prefer to write him (her? him?) but at the same time I can live with writing Merlin in that scenario as well.

[info]craisins in [info]fandom_psls

Check the journal for fandoms. :)

[info]cutecetta in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a psl or two, one that will last more than a few tags. Top on my list are

1. Hunger Games - I'm dying to give Katniss a try and would love to play against Peeta, Gale, or even President Snow; perhaps an AU set either between the first and second book or between the second and third?

2. The Vampire Diaries - Would love to play opposite Damon and/or Stefan third season or beginning of the first.

Please let me know if you would be at all interested.

[info]licia in [info]fandom_psls

Caroline, Klaus, Rebekah, Alaric, Jeremy, Matt, and everyone else.. please report to [info]obsessions!

May 2024



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