September 13th, 2011

[info]notfromthere in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for something for the following characters. I'll put the preferred counterparts in parenthesis:

Dean Winchester (Jo Harvelle)
The Doctor [10th] (Herminoe Granger)

I recently set up these pairings and have been quite excited to explore some of the different elements of the dynamics [Though I am not looking to replace these lines I already have set up, just excited to explore them from the perspectives of other writers].

All other ideas can be found in the journal. Pan-fandoms, obviously welcome.

Threading and AIM work fine for me!

[info]whispernorbury in [info]fandom_psls

A Watson for my Holmes?

BBC or Doyle preferred, but I'm flexible. Also happy to consider other slash pairings. Details entirely negotiable.

[info]linay in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone out there read a little book called Plain Kate?

[info]ultimateginge in [info]fandom_psls

[info]realitycrash via [info]reality_mod! We have the Eleventh Doctor, the Master, River Song and of course, Amy Pond. So it would be great to see the remaining incarnations of the Doctor (or the Master, if you're feeling up to it), Rory Williams, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler and other Whoinverse characters not previously mentioned (Gwen, Tosh, Owen, Ianto) would be loved and adored!

[info]prelimawow in [info]fandom_psls

Check the journal, please! Some of my fandoms include Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Smallville, and Community.

[info]mesozoicmods in [info]fandom_psls

[info]campcretaceous via [info]mesozoicmods!
dinos + multi-fandom = awesome!

We could use more characters from "Vampire Diaries", "BtVS", "Harry Potter" and more!

[info]dumplinghead in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone up for a Rocky Horror line? Magenta/Riff Raff?

[info]ex_daimon463 in [info]fandom_psls

I could use a couple more PSLs to tide me over. Fandoms and the rest all listed in the journal, so check it out!

[info]sunrisesheriff in [info]fandom_psls

two storylines i'm after

anyone interested in a my bloody valentine psl where tom hanniger isn't the killer? i'll play tom, and would love to play up against a sarah palmer.


a sam winchester for my dean winchester in a wincest line where dean was in a terrible accident from being on a hunt alone after sam and him have a fight. after the accident, dean has completely lost his memory and doesn't know who he is or what he's done in his life, needing sam to help him along the way.

May 2024



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