August 14th, 2011

[info]hollowayjoan in [info]fandom_psls

I'm not terribly sure how popular the 'Mad Men' fandom is around here, but what the hell! What I am looking for is to play an original character/pb against a Don Draper. It can be set in the 50's like the show, can be brought to modern times, I'm not terribly picky about any of that stuff. I would like for my woman to be a face that isn't on the show, but I'm open to any suggestions for faces otherwise. I have an idea in mind for how the line can be set up, so please feel free to ask me for any details (I would love to brain storm so don't be shy about sharing any ideas you have). It would be thread based, on the smutty side and I am only looking for private lines. I think that covers everything :)

[info]torchwood_gwen in [info]fandom_psls

Jack/Gwen anyone? Seriously need a happy line with my OTP.

[info]wing_head in [info]fandom_psls

Hey there,

Looking for some PSLs or groups with my Captain America. I prefer Canon, but will mix it up if asked. I will also play other characters from the Marvel universe if asked. Send me a PM, comment, or AIM at theshieldslinger.

Thanks for your time.

[info]old_spice in [info]fandom_psls

I'm on a bit on a Pokemon fix, and I'm looking for anyone willing to RP as one of the following females from the latest Pokemon season (Black and White): Bianca, Langley, Caburnet/Burgundy or Iris. I'd also be interested in RPing opposite Candice, Ursula, Fantina or Zoey from the Sinnoh saga. I'm interested in one-shots, short-term and long-term RPs; am willing to RP through IM (AIM/YIM) or E-mail only. Check my journal for further RP information and such.

May 2024



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