August 9th, 2011

[info]deviouscowardly in [info]fandom_psls

psl anyone?

I have an idea for a storyline where a couple lives dual lives while they are sleeping. One life where they are happily married and in nice normal jobs. But when they go to sleep at night, the live a life where they are enemies. And then, they go to sleep in that life and wake up in the other. I think it would be fun to play when their alternate lives start to bleed into the wrong universe. The married couple fighting, hating each other for reasons they can pinpoint; the enemies starting to fight a burning attraction they can't control. And the discussion or avoiding the discussion of the shared dreams.

I'm thinking it would be fun to make half of it fandom. Would anyone want to play Dean against my Ruby? Or if you have another idea for another fandom, give me a poke anyway and see if I'd be into it. It's really more the line than the pairing that I'm looking for this time, so nearly any fandom would do!

[info]lapislazuli in [info]fandom_psls

The Vampire Diaries

I'm mostly looking for a Stefan and Katherine threading line but i might be open to other ideas. I would be more than happy to give out customs to anyone that would like to discuss the details.

[info]tamaranian in [info]fandom_psls

Teen Titans

Hi!  I'm looking for a Nightwing/Starfire line, or even a Teen Titans/DC Verse Group PSL or game where I can play Kory.  I'd love to be able to play her in a relationship with Dick, but it's not necessary!  I'd just really love a chance to play her :)

[info]old_spice in [info]fandom_psls

Check my Journal for my original RP interests and general RP information.
At present, I'm looking to RP "To Catch a Thief" or "The Kidnapping" opposite a Ginny Weasley or Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Blackfire or Starfire from the animated version of Teen Titans or Ty Lee, Suki or Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
IM (AIM/YIM)/E-mail/Google Docs RPing only; all comments screened.

[info]skinnyxlove in [info]fandom_psls

damon against my elena, anyone? or! check the journal.

[info]wolf_bite in [info]fandom_psls

looking for lines. please check the journal!

[info]erik_lehnsher in [info]fandom_psls

My darling, troubled Erik (aka Magneto.) and I are desperately seeking a well-written, intense, slightly smutty slash PSL with one smart and sexy Charles Xavier.

Threading please!
Contact through this post or on the journal.

[info]in_motu_proprio in [info]fandom_psls

Glee PSL

I'd love some Klaine and/or CrissColfer for the evening, maybe long term if we click.

May 2024



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