July 22nd, 2011

[info]ex_battlesui46 in [info]fandom_psls

i've been looking for a chris redfield for my jill valentine from resident evil.

i'm also looking for a tom riddle for my merope.

i would very much like a james sutherland for my angela orosoco, if you would please.

i'm dying for these lines, anyone?

[info]nick_ in [info]fandom_psls

Myself and a couple of friends are thinking about trying to set up a comm based on a small private RP we’ve been involved in and are wondering if there would be any interest.

It would be set in the Supernatural universe and focus on Lucifer’s return. We’re working on the premise that Nick didn’t die when Lucifer left his body, instead recovering from the months of torment and trying to cope with everything that happened. He’s just about managing it till Lucifer is freed from his cage and decides to revisit him. This time, his dead wife and child are used as leverage to get him to say yes to being used again as Lucifer’s vessel. Lucifer promises that once he claims his rightful vessel (who may or may not be Sam Winchester), Nick will be left alone to rebuild his life with his family.

This is just the very basic outline and though we’ve played this out far beyond the beginning, we’d love to open it up to more writers and see where the story leads. We’re mainly looking for Supernatural characters but would probably consider a handful from other similar shows.

If you think you’d be interested, please PM me.

[info]moonlighters in [info]fandom_psls

[info]moonlighters a sailor moon inspired gpsl is looking to fill more of it's cast!

[info]littlewitch34 in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a Harry Potter line, hopefully Seamus/Dean (though I'd try different slash pairings, so if you're down for something else, let me know and we'll work with it) , preferably during-to-post-Deathly Hallows, involving how they deal with the world after the war is over. Seamus remained at Hogwarts with Dumbledore's Army (or what was lef tof it) and Dean went on the run; there's a lot of physical and emotional scarring left on them after it's all over. Their reuniting is big, so I want that in there, too.

I play over AIM and I'm not looking for novel-length responses. Sometimes I give three lines, sometimes twenty-three, so I'm seeking someone who doesn't mind that and gives generally the same in return.

Comment here if you're interested!

[info]chazbenni in [info]fandom_psls

Any Criminal Minds fandom types out there? I'd love to play against Spencer Reid and Penelope Garcia.

May 2024



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