July 5th, 2011

[info]juniordetective in [info]fandom_psls

Any other Psych players out there? I'm itching to write something. Game or PSL, I'd be willing to take on Shawn, Jules or Gus.

[info]walkthruthefire in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a crossover line for my Buffy?

from Heroes: Sylar
from Angel: Spike, Angel
from Supernatural: Castiel
from X-Files: Mulder

Feel free to suggest others!

[info]dean_winchest in [info]fandom_psls

Good morning everyone! This is my first time playing Dean Winchester, I've never watched the show but I have read up on him. Would someone want a psl against him? Even though I am a new comer.

[info]somefaith in [info]fandom_psls

So I know there are a lot of Faith requests flying around, and I hate to add my own, but this muse just keeps itching at my brain to be let out...so here I am, looking for a Sam Winchester.

I like to play Faith post-Buffy. Like her life after the hell mouth was destroyed. Where she still has a wild side, but doesn't let it control her like it once did. I like my Sam with a little edge, meaning anything from Season four up. I have this idea about her already knowing the Winchesters and possibly having worked with them on a few occasions. Much like she did on the show Angel. We can say she keeps in contact with Bobby, and looks to him like the father she never really had. I even have this fun little idea of her having taken Sam's virginity way back when, before Jessica was in the picture. I don't want to say they were ever together, but she has always felt like Sam was different from the others somehow.

That's all I got so far, so I'm open to suggestion. I'd also be grateful to play against a Dean or Castiel as well.

[info]gravedale in [info]fandom_psls

anyone interested in something similar to monster high but with a completely different cast of original characters, set in fictional Gravedale High? (perhaps a competitor with MH; but the pairings of MH will be ignored.)

[info]greenwill in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone want to play another super hero against my Hal Jordan/The Green Lantern? Leave who you'd want to play here. Threading only and slash only. I'd absolutely love to brainstorm something with a willing writing partner. Also, I'm looking for something long term. I'd even be willing to brainstorm someone willing to play a super villain against Hal.

[info]defaulthero in [info]fandom_psls

bippity boppity ~justice

Hey guys! Total long-shot I know, but I've been dying for a private storyline (whether a group or singular) involving Hawke from the Dragon Age games. I'm open to anything you would be willing to throw at me! More information can be found at my drop box in this journal.

[info]jaredwinchester in [info]fandom_psls

Het please!

I'd love a line against just about any Supernatural girl (take your pick of ANY of them honestly), possibly a crossover with Buffy or Charmed if that tickles your fancy more. I've got some minor ideas but I do love to plot with partners as well so hit me up!

May 2024



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