June 15th, 2011

[info]qiao in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a small Firefly/Serenity group psl with a full OC cast? Not a shipping game disguised as a sci-fi, just good old cowboys in space, shooting people politely and Chinese swearing.

[info]aftershow in [info]fandom_psls

psl please?

femme or het...

aim sneaky aftershow

[info]hellbitch in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play a het Dean Winchester and would be interested in brainstroming some sort of relationship line? I'm open to all sorts of ideas and playing various characters (with the exception of Jo Harvelle and Lisa Braeden).

Though I asked for a relationship line, a decent plot is a must too. I love all the versions of Dean (Croatoan, wild west, just whatever anyone would like to write).

I'd also love something against Sammy (just like Dean, all versions would be welcome).

If you'd be interested, gimme a shout and I'll set up a custom in my journal, or we could chat on AIM if you'd prefer.

[info]gmichaelbluth in [info]fandom_psls

For those that have seen Arrested Development...

I would love his cousin or his aunt. Likely some romantic entanglement. Any takers?

[info]captaina in [info]fandom_psls


This is Captain America's son, James Rogers. I'd love to find someone to play Torrun (Thor and Sif's girl) and bring them to a next-gen game that's opening up. The line would first be very brother/sister-like, but as canon goes, James' had been developing feelings as they'd grown up. I can offer pb suggestions of Joss Stone or Hayden Panettiere, but I'm open to anyone that doesn't look like Diana Agron. Torrun is one tough chick. She's the Rachel Berenson of the Next Avengers.

[info]shialune in [info]fandom_psls

sorry if we organized a psl a while ago. ive had no internet until now.

a dean winchester for my sam winchester, or a sam for my dean in a wincest line, please? long term and aim only please

[info]lovedlea in [info]fandom_psls


a Tony Stark for my Sue Storm?

a Dean Winchester for my Ruby?

specifics in the journal. prefer threading but can aim for plotting :)

[info]lil_bo_shinobu in [info]fandom_psls

Seeking Long-Term Avatar RP

Good evening, everyone. My name is Shinobu, and the pleasure is mine. I'm seeking a long-term Avatar the Last Airbender RP over AIM with anyone willing to RP as Princess Azula, Mai, Ty Lee or Suki. Please read my Journal for more information about me, and if RPing with me seems at all delightful to you, please PM me. If my journal and/or RP likes appear pompous or elitist, I apologize and mean no offense; such is never my intent.

Thank you for reading.

[info]brooklyndan in [info]fandom_psls

Gossip Guys and Girls

Reposting in the hopes of snagging a few more Gossip Girl characters. I'd love to see Jenny, Vanessa, or Georgina, but really would be thrilled with any of the cast. I have lots of plot bunnies bouncing around in my head for this AU take on Season 1. You can check out the full cast here or feel free to PM for plot details.

May 2024



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