June 3rd, 2011

[info]lifeinflight in [info]fandom_psls

X-Men slash

(Just ignore the journal.)

Ever since I heard about X-Men First Class, I've wanted a Charles/Erik line, only I kept waiting until I could finally see the movie and see how they were on screen. Now I have and now I so want this line. I'd prefer to play Erik, but for the right Erik I could definitely play Charles.

If you're interested, leave a comment -- I've screened them -- and we'll talk more about the particulars.

[info]myfandomjournal in [info]fandom_psls

I'm not sure if there are many people still around that do the 'old-school' movies for X-Men but figured I'd give this a shot!

I'd like to play Iceman from the movies against a Rogue or Kitty Pryde and have ideas for both. They would likely involve some level of sexual themes throughout them.

And I'd love to play just about anyone against Jean Grey and develop it in to a romance. Scott, Logan, Iceman, Sabretooth (more non-con probably), or possibly even an OC.

I'm willing to plot so feel free to hit me up with something! Comments screened and customs are love!

[info]cuntsack in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone play penelope garcia against my derek morgan?

[info]desertrose in [info]fandom_psls

I'm on a Johnny Depp crazed out craving. I got to see the fourth Pirates movie and fell in love with it. The mermaids, Blackbeard and one-legged Geoffrey Rush = LOVE. As if I need more reasons to fawn over Johnny Depp. I would flip over backwards and sing you a lullaby if I could get someone to play Jack for me and I'd make you king of my world if you let me use Avril Lavigne as a PB. But tit for tat so I can handle just getting the first. I usually don't play in fandoms but I couldn't resist a go at POTC.

[info]upontheridge in [info]fandom_psls

Something Twilight, True Blood, or House? I'll take anything tonight so throw it at me!

May 2024



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