June 1st, 2011

[info]moorishflower in [info]fandom_psls

Dragon Age/Dragon Age II slash line? Possibly forbidden attraction and/or love between a templar and a Circle mage/apostate/blood mage/etc.? Or a frowned-upon relationship between a Qunari and a human? Open to suggestions!

[info]inquisitorious in [info]fandom_psls

So the movies being on SPIKE tv didn't help this at all, would anyone be up for a line in the Star Wars universe? I would love if it was femme, but we can discuss details if someone is interested. I have a few ideas in mind if anyone would like to hear them.

[info]castieli in [info]fandom_psls

[info]silveragemod Anna's garrison from 1964? More people from Supernatural in general.

As for ASoIaF writers, could I get a Brienne for my Jaime if I took him to ~shatterday?

[info]1942veteran in [info]fandom_psls

Hey there,

I have started a little group PSL covering the Marvel Universe. The Main team is The Avengers, but all characters would be accepted. We have a few members now, and are looking to fill out the team. If you would be interested, please IM me at opticalrubies on AIM, Send me a PM, or shoot me and email on dmatt8503@aol.com . Either way, hope to hear from you soon.


[info]truetargaryen in [info]fandom_psls

I'm currently very interested in playing Daenerys from Game of Thrones. I would love to play her opposite Jon Snow or Ser Jorah Mormont. I also wouldn't mind a crossover PSL with a character from another show.

[info]singingjester in [info]fandom_psls

This may be an odd one but I found it interesting ....

The Hangover meets Bridesmaids with the biggest difference being that none of them are married and meet in Vegas (or wherever.)

I'd like to put Ed Helms against Ellie Kemper if we could but honestly I'd be fine doing it however.

And Bradley Cooper against either of the SNL main girls in the film!

.... Zach G. can just be around unless you'd want to try and romance him haha.

I'd obviously be willing to play all the boys if you'd like to play the girls! We can set up a comm for journals or whatever! I figure it's a long shot but it just sounded like fun to me!

[info]wifeofcaesar in [info]fandom_psls

Jumping on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Would love to do a Cersei/Daenerys or Arya/Daenerys femme line, if anyone is amenable to the idea. I can play either of the three ladies, although I confess a certain preference for a (grown-up, obviously) Arya Stark.

Alternatively, if there's anyone who plays Tyrion, I'd love to work out a line.

Examples of my writing are available in this journal.

(Other areas of interest: ancient rome, egypt, sci-fi and camelot.)

May 2024



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