April 14th, 2011

[info]zeitgeber in [info]fandom_psls

Strange craving for Nolanverse right now. Anyone out there exploring something in that setting? Looking for psychological manipulations, action, and drama. Up for just about anything, from in-movie characters, reinterpreting of comic ones, to OC's if good. Drop a line and let me know!

[info]everydayheroes in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for some dark lines in a couple fandoms. How dark is completely up to you whether it's kidnapping, non/dub-con, etc. I'm open for just about anything and would prefer to play the dominant character. That said, I don't want to play opposite a character that won't fight back either. I prefer threading and play third person storybook. These are the fandoms I'm currently seeking: (please note I am also primarily a slash player)

- Supernatural; especially looking to play Lucifer
- Nu! Trek
- Heroes

I also play some video game verses; mostly Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 3 / Fallout New Vegas.

[info]tornfrompages in [info]fandom_psls

Inception: Eames/Arthur

I really do just require some more Eames/Arthur in my life. <3

I've played both characters so I am more than happy to pick either one up! Pre-Inception. Post-Inception. AU?

I'm up for anything and everything. Throw something my way!

[info]demonic_sammy in [info]fandom_psls

Sam and Dean are looking for a home - or for others willing to get together to create our own small group.

No slash or wincest please!

[info]mantric in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love some fandom lines:

Inception: Ariadne/Arthur, Ariadne/Eames, or OC!female/any male from the movie
Tron Legacy: Quorra/Sam
Legend of the Seeker: Kahlan/Richard
Harry Potter: Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, OC!female/OC!male
Blade Trinity: Abigail Whistler/Hannibal King
Iron Man: OC!female/Tony Stark, Natalia Romanov/Tony Stark
Star Wars: OC!femaleJedi/OC!maleJedi, OC!femaleMandalorian/OC!maleJedi, OC!femaleJedi/OC!maleSith
Supernatural: OC!femaleAngel/Dean

May 2024



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