February 28th, 2011

[info]ex_triggersc260 in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone want a line against Laura Kinney (X-23)?

[info]ex_lilyp951 in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a James Potter to join Lily, Harry, and most of the other marauders at a small but very active multi-era group psl. It's a lot of fun and everyone is friendly and laid back. If you're interested you can IM shut up merlin on aim or comment or PM and I'll be happy to give you all of the details and links to the community info.

[info]sorcerous in [info]fandom_psls

Hello. I've recently fallen back into this fandom after a very long hiatus (hello fandom, you were missed) and I've had this urge to try my hand at playing a younger Snape. Ideally I'd like to find a smaller friendly community, possibly something AU but it doesn't absolutely have to be and I'm willing to look at various points in time. I could also do a PSL if the right one rolls around.

[info]mimilikestorp in [info]fandom_psls

Spring is coming, but the weather still sucks here, so I'm looking to pick up a bunch of lines. If you like two of the ideas, I'm not against multiple lines with the same player, as long as you're good. :)

My most wanted fandoms are Harry Potter, The X-Files, and House MD.

I have never done celeb/faux celeb/PB before...but I'd be willing to try either of the three with an Alan Rickman player. Likewise, there's several of his characters I would love to play against: Colonel Brandon (Sense & Sensibility), Alexander Dane (Galaxy Quest), Hans Gruber (Die Hard) and of course, Severus Snape (Harry Potter...but you already knew that, right?)

Would kill for a male dom for a female sub. They are in such short supply! It would be great to combine a D/s element with an older man/younger woman theme (I love ageplay)or a hostage/captor theme.

I am working my way through the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood books and series...and I would love a Sam Merlotte, if you don't mind going first two books/season one.

Check my journal for other fandoms, likes, characters, etc. I'm very flexiable, so we can always work something out if we have shared interests! :)

AIM: MimiTheMuse or Email: mimithemuse@aol.com

[info]blackdossiers in [info]fandom_psls

i know its a long shot, but...

would anyone out there be interested in playing a modern literary version of league of extraordinary gentlemen? could be considered "pan fandom"; but with a deep noir feel to it. i personally see this new LXG consisting of sookie stackhouse (southern vampire series), percy jackson (name is title, respectively), and possibly a member from the twilight series? i think any modern literary work would suffice, such as the winchester brothers (have been printed into a few novels) to even such comic classics as casper (a gauntly "ghost" boy who lives under a gravestone) & wendy the good witch?

i think a dark, macabre-like setting would allow players to bend and manipulate their characters into new, and strange alternative versions, by either stretching or rewriting their typically known 'canon' selves.

i'm *dying* to play with people in something like this!

May 2024



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