February 23rd, 2011

[info]taylorkinney in [info]fandom_psls

Glee/QaF anyone?

Maybe Sam Evans is Justin Taylor's half brother. Maybe Brian Kinney is Kurt Hummel's uncle. Maybe Rachel Berry is Michael Novotny's niece. Maybe Mr. Schue is hiding a not-so-straight past. The possibilities are endless.

[info]oneyearmods in [info]fandom_psls

[info]oneyearpast via [info]oneyearmods! we're a new multi-fandom game set in the Supernatural universe. Opening on Sunday and we could REALLY use some more male holds!

[info]fighters in [info]fandom_psls

i'd really like to start a i am number four or jumper group psl or small community. would anyone be interested?

[info]samternate in [info]fandom_psls

Supernatural meets Fringe. (No Fringe knowledge required.)

We're planning a group PSL based off of Supernatural and the concept of alternate universes borrowed from the series Fringe, and we'd love to have more writers to get our creative juices flowing. Our style is very laid-back, casual dress, zero pressure. (Hence, we're still developing and fleshing out ideas.) Basically, we'll be running two separate lines; one for each "universe," the first being canon and the second being AU where the supernatural are public knowledge with, as one player described it, a very X-Files/MIB vibe. These two universes will eventually cross over.

The details are in [info]momenta, or at least what we've got so far. We'd especially love to have AU!Castiel and some OCs for the AU!FBI's SID team. Also, Newton Balthazar please, anyone? Comment if interested and I'll link you to the custom!

May 2024



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