February 17th, 2011

[info]lovedlea in [info]fandom_psls

i wants

Looking for some PSLs. Mostly Supernatural and Harry Potter, but check the journal for other stuff I'm into.
Right what I want the most is either SAM or DEAN against my Ruby, or a SAM against my Jo. Or DEAN for my girl!Cas.
Or HARRY or DRACO against my Ginny, or RON, RON&HARRY, or VIKTOR against my Hermione.

[info]notlikeher in [info]fandom_psls

Jeremy, Jenna, Stefan, Damon, Alaric, Isobel, Johnathan, Katherine, Bonnie, Klaus, Elijah, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, Vicki, Rose, Mason- your presence is requested at [info]museprompts to hang out with Elena. Also, anyone else for crossfandom fun!

[info]bigmeanmarine in [info]fandom_psls

Castle Lines

I'd love to play out the side romance of Espisito and Lanie from the beginning to the current where they think they are sneaking around and all of that. Definitely some naughty included.

And of course I wouldn't mind playing Castle against Lanie, Beckett, or a hopeful <i>Nikki Heat</i> actress. Or even Gina if it came to that.

I'd rather not fade to black, but other than that I'm game for almost any sort of storyline..

and as always, always willing for Eastbound and Down lines if anyone is interested there as well.

[info]lovexandman in [info]fandom_psls

AIM naughtiness tonight.

Would love to play someone from Buffy against most fandom characters honestly. Naughty for tonight, maybe threading if we click / long-term.

Comments screened so give me a buzz.

May 2024



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