January 11th, 2011

[info]le_professor in [info]fandom_psls

Seventh Doctor, here. My kingdom for an Ace--possibly find a community?

If not, other companions are definitely welcome!

[info]quidditchcapt in [info]fandom_psls

Potter PSL

Somehow these lines always turn to crap, but I keep looking...

Despite being the most famous teenager in the Wizarding world, Harry still is just a teenager, and even though he carries the weight of the world, he's also got his own set of very teenage problems. Take away all the 'saving the world' rubbish and his head is filled with the same things all other boys his age think about constantly -- sport and sex. Just like every other teenager, he has to sneak around to get a little private time with his girlfriend -- and just like every other teenager, he can easily get in over his head. Unlike every other teenager, Harry's personal life appears in the gossip pages. So when his girlfriend gets pregnant when they're barely (or not quite) of age, it's not just a personal crisis, it's front page news.

I want to play Harry. The girlfriend can be Ginny or someone else -- I'm open.

- I'm not interested in any big Voldemort-involved plot. The degree to which this is AU is open.
- I want to play scenes between the leads as well as have the flexibility to play a scene between Harry and someone else or Girlfriend and someone else, so willingness to play multiple characters is a must.
- I lean toward playing by email, but journal is also acceptable.
- Exact ages and status of their relationship is negotiable (together? broken up? casual? very serious? all fine).
- Hopefully looking for something long-term.
- No uber-fluff, no OOC. Babies are cute and will melt anyone's heart, but as much as everyone loves Harry and GF, Hermione stays practical, Mrs Weasley stays a bit disapproving of non-traditional arrangements, etc. Tender moments are lovely, but I'm really looking for something that tries to realistically represent teenage parenthood.

SO -- if you're interested in trying a non-fluffy, non-cliched, HP'verse teen pregnancy line... Maybe it's a long shot, but hit me up!

[info]ferretxboy in [info]fandom_psls

Hello. I play Draco Malfoy, obviously, and I am looking for a few things.

I would like a Harry Potter to play with, one who is well written and isn't afraid of plot. Where as I don't have a problem with a sex scene here and there, I do not want to do nothing but smut all the time. It bores me. That being said, I like RPs that are full of plot twists and still keeping the character's personalities as canon as possible.

I am a Malfoy Rper. My Malfoy will not suddenly want to be friends or be your biggest friend unless he is pretending and it has something in it for him. He is vain. He is greedy. He is egotistical. He always looks out for number one first. If you are looking for a sappy love story right off the bat and want someone to dote on your every whim then I am not the Rper for you. I enjoy playing Draco as the sarcastic, selfish little bitch that he is.

Do that mean love and romance are out of the question? No! Of course not! I love a well thought out romance line, just don't expect it to be all hearts and flowers. Harry and Draco have never gotten along well and it would be considered a horrible weakness for Draco to admit that he had romantic feelings towards Harry. It doesn't mean it's impossible, it would just take time, and a good helping of Gryffindor courage wouldn't hurt.

If I haven't scared you away by now, you can either leave me a message here, on my journal, or my AIM is clevernameshere. I prefer to RP on a messenger, but I am not against threading!

Have a wonderful day and let the non-Fluff Rp begin!

[info]queenofrose in [info]fandom_psls

Dragon Age

As I start up a new Origins game, it occurs to me that I've seen a surprising number of Dragon Age: Origins fans on this server. I'm curious as to how many, if any, would be interested in a little group PSL and what sort of characters this hypothetical group would be interested in playing — all originals, NPC's and companions from DAO, or a mix of both. If there's enough response, I'd love a co-mod or two to jump on board and help me run the group. Serious parties only, please!

[info]jjensen in [info]fandom_psls

[info]deadbynow, a Losers group PSL looking for members. Scene heavy and action packed. Original characters as well as characters from the film wanted. Click here for more details!

[info]kinda_righteous in [info]fandom_psls

Buffy (me, technically) here is looking for some PSLs! I'm down with either strictly Buffy/Angel 'Verse characters or doing a crossover. No Twilight or Vampire Diaries characters, please. They just aren't my angst.

Crossover possibilities:

DC - A Batman would be fantastic. I like the idea of a Hellmouth either being formed or one that is already semi-active under Gotham City. (Wouldn't that explain all the weirdness/crazies there?) It wouldn't necessarily have to be a romantic 'line, but I'd imagine there'd be a lot of tension between the two, either way.

SPN - I know Buffy/Dean (and Buffy/Sam?) is considered to be tired and overdone by a lot of people, but I've never written it out before. In fact, I really haven't written against many SPN characters.

I'm open to ideas, though! So, feel free to suggest. <3

[info]angelology in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in an assassin's creed-esque group psl? basically it'd revolve around ten characters: five templar and five assassins. the assassins hid a holy artifact that can cause the world to collapse. the templars want to use it for bad and the assassins have to protect it. the characters have to go back in time to find out where the artifact is hidden. i was thinking the victorian era or renaissance italy.

[info]rattlers in [info]fandom_psls

[info]rattlers A True Blood universe group psl for original characters. Now accepting holds. Opens at 10 apps.

[info]30minutemeals in [info]fandom_psls

Any Brittany's from Glee up for a PSL with an OC that happens to be Sam's brother? I have a general idea in mind that we can play with :)

I'd also love to do a Doctor Who/Roswell crossover with Eleven and Tess based on this video. I would be playing Tess.

[info]bestdress in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in playing draco against daphne greengrass in a psl?

[info]studyinred in [info]fandom_psls

One consulting detective hailing from California, USA, standing accused of murder in London, England, seeks connection with one consulting detective of choice fame, residing in 221b Baker Street, to lend his emphatically simple powers of observation to the Met in pursuit of truth, justice and Red John.

If you've waded with success through the joyful abuse of commas, we're looking at a Mentalist/Sherlock (BBC) crossover here. Jane has been lured to London by an individual purporting to be RJ and has subsequently been framed for a murder bearing the classic modus operandi of RJ's previous killings. This could be the real deal, or a Jane or RJ fanatic, or just someone who's gone to great lengths to cover up his own misdeeds. Anyway, I think this could be a lot of fun with interesting twists and turns along the way. I can be incredibly open to persuasion if the exact premise is not to your taste. A collaborative detection on some random case would be just as ace. (Dare I say, we could even adopt some sort of time displacement, in the sense of Cluedo-esque humour noir?) The CBI family would, of course, be a welcome addition as well.

I may be willing to switch it up with other detective types, such as from Castle or Lie to Me, should you find them more compelling or familiar than Holmes for your personal portrayal.

May 2024



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