December 30th, 2010

[info]timeisbleeding in [info]fandom_psls

fandoms in the journal. looking for a psl or a comm =]

[info]onetwostep in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone know if any Glee communities need a Santana? Or anyone from the fandom that would want to play against her? I'm in a desperate mood to play her and I would love to find one!

[info]nightsideprince in [info]fandom_psls

I know it's a long shot, but I figured I would ask anyway.

Some kind of line for John Taylor from Simon R. Green's Nightside series?

I think he would cross over well with several fandoms, and I'd be more than willing to take him into a game.

There's more information in the journal in regards to who he is and what the nightside is, and I can provide more info/links for anyone interested.

[info]fame in [info]fandom_psls

This is probably a longshot, but I recently watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy again and I was wondering if anybody might be interested in a slash line? I prefer threading and I'm open to pairings. I'd prefer to play a canon character against another canon character, but I'd be willing to discuss playing a canon character against an OC.

[info]two_by_two in [info]fandom_psls

Firefly-based panfan SL


[info]beyondtheblack via [info]two_by_two is a small Firefly-based panfan group SL. Very technically speaking, it's a game, but it's really laid back, and erratically paced, so we're not completely comfortable adverting it like a normal game. We're not implementing any sort of activity checks, either.

We were looking for people to fluff out Compound One :) But now that they're all balanced everything's fair game. Still looking to fill out some of the safe houses, and as crew for the Prospector. All fandoms are welcome and all information's in the moderator journal. Hope to see you there!

April 2024



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