October 28th, 2010

[info]imnother in [info]fandom_psls

Stefan Salvatore to [info]tri_initiative My Elena is in need of him! Damon and Katherine are in comm too!

[info]megschaoscdj in [info]fandom_psls

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Friday Night Lights PSL.  I have a Tim Riggins who is curious about what would happen if he was able to finally NOT be hung up on Lyla...

And a Tyra who is just Tyra...

In other news - I have an Emma Dobbs and a Lisa Turpin who are open to dark lines at the moment.  Anyone want to corrupt or to enjoy some already corrupted HP ladies?

[info]bshp in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a long shot, but anyone up for Olivia/Henry (the taxi driver) in which he's more in the thick of things than he let on in the beginning? I'd prefer to play Olivia, but I might be willing to give Henry a shot. Barring that, I'm also looking for Bolivia/Peter (willing to play either), Olivia/Peter (willing to play either), Olivia/Vision!Peter with Frank thrown in (willing to play either), Bolivia/Newton (willing to play either), Olivia/Scarlie (will play Olivia), Olivia/Johnternate (willing to play either), Peter/Walter (will play Peter), Young!Peter/Walternate (will play Peter), September/Walter (will play September). I also secretly want to try Young!Walter/Young!William, but I really don't think I can do either of them justice, so the point is moot. All pairings are platonic with the sole exception of Polivia. I have time only for one additional line right now and I'm not online 24/7, but it would make my day to have any one of the above going! If all else fails, I'd be down for an original PB reboot with Fringe stock characters.

May 2024



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