August 27th, 2010

[info]daphenegreen in [info]fandom_psls

Daphene Greengrass would love to have her little sister, Astoria over at Shoats, a Harry Potter game which is slash friendly. Daphene's profile can be viewed here and it already has a lot of characters and back story coming into game! I would love to have Astoria be a character who wouldn't approve of Daphene's sexuality, and someone who is extremely loyal to the family. Beyond that, she is very open for interpretation!

Also, most of the Weasley's are wanted! Currently we have - George, Adrian Pucey, Katie Bell, Oliver Wood, Penelopy Clearwater, Marcus Flint, Verity Wellington, Alicia Spinnet, Hannah Abbot, Tracey Davis, Draco Malfoy, Billy Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Sarah Rene Facett and more!

If you would like to plot, I can be reached at AIM with the SN: sangogal

[info]tacere in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone interested in a GG psl against Blair Waldorf? Would love a Dan or Chuck.

[info]midichlorians in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested an extremely AU Star Wars game? It would basically be a game set where there would be a Galactic Republic in place, the Sith would exist, the Jedi Order would exist, but there would be no Clone Wars, nothing from canon to be bogged down with. All original characters, etc. Once the game was set and we established a good interaction between characters, events would be introduced like skirmishes on planets, Senate rulings, etc.

To put it plainly, it would be your basic "town game", just set in the Star Wars universe. It would focus on the every day life of characters in the galaxy with all canon events disregarded in order to allow anyone to participate in the game.

April 2024



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