August 11th, 2010

[info]monotony in [info]fandom_psls

Hello all! I'm currently looking for a few slash psls. I'm leaning more towards character development lines and darker lines with natural progression, but I enjoy smut as much as the next person. These would take place over threading as it works better with my schedule and just better in general, I feel. I have quite a few storylines in my journal, but I'm looking for the following specific characters for lines:

- Zac Efron for a celebrity line, though no actual knowledge of Zac as a celebrity is necessary. I'd like the line to be against my Tait Geijer.
- Either a Harry/Draco for an Mpreg line against Harry/Draco. I am comfortable with playing either, but I would like Draco to be the pregnant male.
- Any Naruto lines! I can comfortably play Iruka, Lee, Gaara, Neji, maybe Sasuke if I'm feeling particularly moody. Plenty of ideas for these lines! I'd love a Kakashi for my Iruka, and would definitely be interested in using character journals.

There is more information in my journal, so feel free to stop by and drop a comment!


[info]playthemuse in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to play a PSL with Jack/Ianto or Jack/John from Torchwood. I'd write for any character.

Also, a line based around the BBC version of Sherlock would be amazing. Canon, AU, OC, fandom crossover, platonic or slash, it's all good.

Please PM!

[info]thebadslayer in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get a Damon Salvatore for a crossover PSL?

[info]playtragic in [info]fandom_psls

can i get some fandom psls that will live? i've been having a hard time getting storylines off the ground so please don't be offended if i ask for examples.

currently looking for twilight, x-men (movieverse), true blood, south of nowhere and harry potter (no remus/lupin please!)

[info]ex_synchrony646 in [info]fandom_psls

Is anyone interested in a PSL based on BBC's Sherlock?

April 2024



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