July 23rd, 2010

[info]unitdoctor in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a line against Martha Jones?

[info]theavl in [info]fandom_psls

[info]theavl tara thorton, sam merlotte, arlene fowler, terry bellefleur, andy bellefleur, hoyt fortenberry, lorena cuszecki, sophie-ann leclerq, franklin mott, tommy mickens & more. i could even except book characters if wanted.

[info]madeupofstars in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for PSLs to write with the following characters to offer:

DC Comics - Barbara Gordon (as Oracle and Batgirl both), Donna Troy, Dinah Lance
Doctor Who (Classic) / Big Finish Audios - I play Ace and Nyssa of Traken
Doctor Who (New Series) - I play Rose Tyler and Amy Pond
Firefly - Kaylee Frye
Harry Potter - Ginny Weasley, Hermoine Granger, Daphne Greengrass
Inception - Ariadne
Marvel Comics - Jubilee (Looking specifically for a line with Gambit or Wolverine)
Stephen King Metaverse - Beverly Marsh, from IT
Young Wizards - Nita Callahan
Non-Fandom - Society miss gets herself into trouble, Medieval kitchen maid ends up falling in with a vampire. IDEK. XD

I do gen, het, friendship, adventure, romance, dark, smut, non-smut, hatelines, alternate universes, pan-fandom, pan-era, time travel. In general, I don't do slash, although I have no problem doing a gen line with a character who is LGTBQ. I'm not terribly picky about PBs.

So, yeah! :D I'd love to see what you have in mind.

x-posted a few places.

[info]ex_wetdog162 in [info]fandom_psls

Okay, my Harry Potter muses are speaking to me. Could I get some Marauders Era PSLs for my Sirius Black? I'm interested in playing him against a Lily, Remus, or possibly Narcissa. Other characters welcome, too. Possibly originals. Only slash pairing I like is Sirius/Remus. Friendship lines with Marauders or other characters would be swell! Also, I might be interested in a Time-Turner line, where Hermione or Ginny gets sent back to Marauders Era.

May 2024



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