June 18th, 2010

[info]aftertherain in [info]fandom_psls

House MD line SERIOUSLY wanted!! Wanting to play an original. No, I just can't pair Cuddy with House. Don't ask me why.

EDIT: possible plot including house and a past fling from his college days, where the fling would have a daughter (and house is the father). Wouldn't be about the woman trying to get child support or anything like that from house. She wouldn't even have told him and he would find out on his own.

[info]maefunke in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in playing george michael bluth for me? i was thinking we could start from the very beginning, before they end up sharing a room together and play things out from there! if not, i'd be interested in picking up after the whole wedding thing. we could say that george and michael didn't run off in the end and make them deal with it! i'm sure there are tons of other things we could do and i'm definitely up for brainstorming. in addition to george michael/maeby, i'm interested in lindsay/michael or lindsay/gob! i'd be up for playing any of those three. you can comment the screened post in my journal or shoot me a pm if you're interested in working something out.

[info]sardonicwit in [info]fandom_psls

This might sound random. But. Would anyone be interested in a The Doctor-who-suddenly-finds-himself-a-teenager & Luke Smith from The Sarah Jane Adventures? It could be a platonic line or slash line, but I'd love to play this out. Possibly as Luke.

[info]the_negotiator in [info]fandom_psls

I would love a Padme Amidala to play against my Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have some basic ideas in mind, but I'm open to others, and various timelines and settings. I also might be up for playing him against an original character, like another Jedi or padawan!

[info]seasidehope in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone out there digging Torchwood still? I'm fairly confident that I can play any of the main characters but Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams, and I'm very interested in plotting out some ideas if anyone's interested! You can check here for my preferences/details as a partner and the other fandoms that have caught my interest for RP purposes. :)

[info]dreamlikestate in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for long term writing partners. Check the journal for new storylines, fandom characters, PBs, celebs, and much more.

[info]grumpy_face in [info]fandom_psls

Home or anything for a Rory and Eleven? Separate writers who come together.

May 2024



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