April 3rd, 2010

[info]aliaoftheknife in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to try a Caprica-inspired PSL. Het/slash/femslash or even poly. We could parallel events in the series without having to involve any of the canon characters.

[info]abderian in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in an unconventional supernatural line? i was thinking about something involving a genderswap, maybe sam wakes up as a female or a witch casts a spell on him or something along those lines! i'd be willing to play him against just about anyone. another one was a future-set or even just au storyline where one of the boys has a daughter. she'd be older, old enough to attract the attention of dean, sam, castiel, etc and we could play around with the emotional content of that. although i'm definitely okay with writing smut and even having a fair amount of it, i'm not looking for something that's pure smut so i'm hoping to find someone who likes multifaceted lines as much as i do. aim and threading are both fine by me, i'd even be up for using journals for character interaction and stuff! i'm also up for a more "normal" het/slash/femme line. the characters i play are bela talbot, ruby, meg masters, jessica moore, anna milton, jo harvelle, sam winchester, dean winchester, mary winchester and john winchester. wincest is perfectly fine with me and i'll do just about any pairing you can think of except for john/dean or dean/castiel! any idea we go with will take a lot of brainstorming so i'm looking for someone who's interested in that! you can go ahead and pm/comment me if you're interested in working something out, comments are screened for privacy. :-)

[info]undomiel in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in an Effy/Freddie line from Skins to correct the ghastly end of season four? I seemed to have lost my last while plotting. I'd prefer trying my hand at Effy - if at all possible. Threading only!

[info]pythagoreans in [info]fandom_psls

[info]pythagoreans We'd love to see Matilda, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Sarah Connor, Selene, and former ~diogenes members.

[info]thebrooklynite in [info]fandom_psls

Hi, Society is a small PSL community of players redoing Season 2 of Gossip Girl. We're just getting the group off the ground and are looking for practically everyone! Recurring characters and the adults are just as welcome! There's a list of the possibilities here.

[info]angelusdomini in [info]fandom_psls

Have you seen these persons? Please contact your local authorities at [info]gothique immediately if you have knowledge of any of these persons' whereabouts.

WINIFRED BURKLE. 5'8". Brown hair. Brown eyes. Light complexion. Also responds to the name FRED. Likes to build things and hide in small, dark places. Last seen in Los Angeles and vanished around the same time as the new C.E.O. of Wolfram & Hart and several other employees.

CHARLES GUNN. 6'3". Black hair. Brown eyes. Dark complexion. Informally known as GUNN. Known to be persuasive and extremely well versed in legalese. Possesses great skills in the areas of combat and strategy. Last seen in Los Angeles and vanished around the same time as the new C.E.O. of Wolfram & Hart and several other employees. May be armed and dangerous.

KREVLORNSWATH OF THE DEATHWOK CLAN. 6'2". Brown hair. Red eyes. Green complexion. Also responds to the name LORNE or THE HOST. Is an anagogic demon and easily recognisable due to distinctive surface anatomy. Last seen in Los Angeles and vanished around the same time as the new C.E.O. of Wolfram & Hart and several other employees. Dislikes violence, however, bystandards should beware of his voice, capable of reaching debilitatingly high decibels.

CONNOR REILLY. 5'11". Brown hair. Blue eyes. Light complexion. Last seen in Constanţa with parents Colleen and Laurence Reilly after winning free Romanian luxury cruise courtesy of Wolfram & Hart.

WESLEY WYNDAM-PRYCE. 6'2". Brown hair. Blue eyes. Light complexion. Also responds to the name WES. Formerly of the Watcher's Council, formerly known to be a rogue demon hunter. Speaks with a subdued English accent. Last seen in Los Angeles and vanished around the same time as the new C.E.O. of Wolfram & Hart and several other employees. May be armed and dangerous.

[info]slimed in [info]fandom_psls

who ya gonna call?

Hey there! So I play Peter Venkman from the Ghostbusters over at [info]aiodemods -- it's a panfandom, original character friendly, college-town, good vs. evil game. And we're three years old, woot! We're pretty dedicated, there are major plots every single month and we have no plans of dying off anytime soon!

I would love love love to see the rest of the Ghostbusters and Dana Barrett. Just off hand I think Summer Glau would make an amazing younger!Dana, which if anyone is interested I can go into more detail about. Also, Egon would like a Janine, that way he can stop moping around about it and ODing on Twinkies! Louis would be hilariously wonderful to have around and Pete could definitely use someone to grade his papers for him.

And actually, it would be kick ass to see a Ghostbusters OC as well -- like based off the rookie in the new Ghostbusters game!

Any takers?

[info]tomba in [info]fandom_psls

check the journal!

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