---☼ Useful Fandom Tools ☼---
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Hopefully we'll have useful information for fanfic and original writers in this comm :)

August 2008
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C. Gabriel Wright [userpic]
Making Book-Styled Paragraph Indents Without the   Hack!

If you're like me, you'd like your posted fic to look as much like published fiction as possible. Of course, that means indenting the first line of most paragraphs.

So not:

Their professor sat at the edge of his desk; his gentle eyes surveyed the room before returning their attention back upon Rose.

Professor Longbottom wasn’t the resident TILTS (Teacher I’d Love To Snog) — that honour went to the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.-level Divination teacher, Professor Asunción Pereira Oliveira da Silva from Portugal — but Albus didn’t understand why not, especially when Neville was framed as he was now: eyes twinkling, hair a sparkling deep chocolate with the faintest hint of red; and forearms — dear Merlin, those forearms! — and, connected to them, biceps; and connected to them, shoulders.

Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?

Their professor sat at the edge of his desk; his gentle eyes surveyed the room before returning their attention back upon Rose.

Professor Longbottom wasn’t the resident TILTS (Teacher I’d Love To Snog) — that honour went to the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.-level Divination teacher, Professor Asunción Pereira Oliveira da Silva from Portugal — but Albus didn’t understand why not, especially when Neville was framed as he was now: eyes twinkling, hair a sparkling deep chocolate with the faintest hint of red; and forearms — dear Merlin, those forearms! — and, connected to them, biceps; and connected to them, shoulders.

Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?

So... how can we do it?

Most people do the non-breaking space hack. They copy and paste this code five-to-six times, depending on how much of an indent they want:  . So they're bloated mark-up looks like this:

       Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?

which would give you the same effect as:

      Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?
It looks the same to the end-user (the reader), but who wants to deal with paragraphs and paragraphs of text littered with  ...?!?! Not me.

Here's a simpler way to do it.

<p style="text-indent: 30px;">Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?</p>
That produces:

Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?

Now, you can do this really quickly by making sure your paragraphs all have the <p> tags on them, then you can do a simple FIND & REPLACE with Word -- or whatever word processing program you use -- and replace all of the <p> tags with <p style="text-indent: 30px;"> tags.

But wait!

There's an even easier way!

Make sure all of your paragraphs have the <p> tag.

At the beginning of the story, after all of your heading information (author, title, warnings, etc.), type this:

<div style="text-indent: 30px">

Then paste in your story, making sure that the <p> tags are at the beginning of every paragraph that you want to indent.

At the end of the story -- no matter how long it is -- type in: </div>, which is a 'closing tag'.
Explanation: The P tag is a CHILD of the the DIV tag. The DIV tag wraps around the story like a loving mother hugging her child. And, like a child would inherit some things from its mother, so too will the P tag inherit some things from its mother. Fortunately, the text-indent is one of the things the P tag can inherit! So every P tag wrapped in the loving embrace of its <div style="text-indent: 30px"> </div > mother, will inherit the indention.

Don't believe me?

Their professor sat at the edge of his desk; his gentle eyes surveyed the room before returning their attention back upon Rose.

Professor Longbottom wasn’t the resident TILTS (Teacher I’d Love To Snog) — that honour went to the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.-level Divination teacher, Professor Asunción Pereira Oliveira da Silva from Portugal — but Albus didn’t understand why not, especially when Neville was framed as he was now: eyes twinkling, hair a sparkling deep chocolate with the faintest hint of red; and forearms — dear Merlin, those forearms! — and, connected to them, biceps; and connected to them, shoulders.

Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?


I just did it.

And it just worked. This is all I typed.

<div style="text-indent: 30px"><p>Their professor sat at the edge of his desk; his gentle eyes surveyed the room before returning their attention back upon Rose.</p><p>Professor Longbottom wasn’t the resident TILTS (Teacher I’d Love To Snog) — that honour went to the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.-level Divination teacher, Professor Asunción Pereira Oliveira da Silva from Portugal — but Albus didn’t understand why not, especially when Neville was framed as he was now: eyes twinkling, hair a sparkling deep chocolate with the faintest hint of red; and forearms — dear Merlin, those forearms! — and, connected to them, biceps; and connected to them, shoulders.</p><p>Who would have ever thought that gardening could be so good for one’s health?</p></div>

There's an even easier method for doing this, but it involves going into your Edit Journal Customizations and mucking about in the CSS code [which isn't that difficult, really], but some people may feel a bit leery of playing with it. If you want, however, I can show you how. It really is easier than it sounds!

Hope this helps some folks!


oh i can totally see that. i mean, when i beta, for instance, i always try and break up people's paragraphs into smaller ones, whereas editing for print i don't worry about it as much... I think — tho' I'm still not quite sure — that I prefer spaces around my em-dashes, too, but only online.

in fact, the more white-space online the better, as far as i'm concerned, so while i may indent my first paragraphs, i still have a leading carriage return before each paragraph. so... maybe a blockdent? inblock? er... spaced indents? ;-)

but i feel ya completely: my online prefs and tactile prefs are often different.

i do wonder how long it'll be before the online world forces the tactile world to change its standards?