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Logging IP Addresses of Registered Users

This topic is about fandom ethics and it might cause agreements and disagreements. I decided to make a poll out of it so everyone could voice their opinion.

Logging IP addresses is an anti-harassment feature. Should they be logged, when and why? Personally, I dislike needless IP collections and won't comment in most journals what collect them. I may comment in communities which log IP addresses of registered users, but still dislike it.

So, what are the fandom ethics about logging IP addresses of registered users by journal owners users? Are there any rules? (All journals, IJ, LJ, any other Jay)
[This poll is linked to [info]hp_polls]

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Poll #1117 Logging IP Addresses of Registered Users
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Do you log commenters' IP addresses in your journal (any journal; LJ, IJ etc)

View Answers

No and not planning on doing so
9 (19.6%)

No, but thinking about doing that
1 (2.2%)

Yes, anonymous posters only
20 (43.5%)

Yes, all commenters' IPs are logged in my journal, registered users and anonymous
14 (30.4%)

1 (2.2%)

6 (13.0%)

Other (Explain)
1 (2.2%)

Explain if you marked "Other"

If you log IPs of registered users, then tell us the reason:

View Answers

Never harassed but slightly paranoid
11 (47.8%)

I was never harassed but worry that it may happen in the future
1 (4.3%)

I was never harassed; it's just a cool setting
2 (8.7%)

I was harassed in the past and reported it to the journal abuse team
1 (4.3%)

I was harassed in the past by a user who kept getting new usernames to get me
3 (13.0%)

I was harassed in the past and banned someone from my journal
2 (8.7%)

I was never harassed
2 (8.7%)

I was harassed before
4 (17.4%)

Don't know
0 (0.0%)

Other (Explain)
6 (26.1%)

Explain if you marked "Other"

If you log IP addresses of anonymous posters only, tell us why:

View Answers

I was abused by anonymous posters in the past
5 (17.9%)

I was not abused but would like to prevent that happening in the future
9 (32.1%)

I was not abused. I log IPs to discourage anonymous posting in my journal
6 (21.4%)

I dislike not knowing who the commenter is
11 (39.3%)

I was not abused
4 (14.3%)

I was abused in the past
0 (0.0%)

Other (Explain)
7 (25.0%)

Explain if you marked "Other"

How do you feel about your IP address being logged when you comment?

View Answers

I comment so fast that I don't even know if my IP was logged
11 (25.0%)

I know it's being logged and don't care
22 (50.0%)

I know it's being logged and refuse to comment unless really know that person
1 (2.3%)

I know it's being logged and feel that there is no good reason for doing that by that person
2 (4.5%)

Having my IP logged by others puts me off commenting in most of those journals
6 (13.6%)

Having my IP logged puts me off commenting completely
1 (2.3%)

I feel nothing about that
16 (36.4%)

I feel good about that
0 (0.0%)

I feel negative about that
5 (11.4%)

Other (Explain)
3 (6.8%)

Explain if you marked "Other"

When should people start logging registered user's IP addresses?

View Answers

As soon as possible because it’s so cool
1 (2.4%)

After banning the harassing registered user and them reappearing under a different name
13 (31.0%)

After reporting abuse to the Abuse Team
7 (16.7%)

Any time is a good time
13 (31.0%)

After experiencing actual harassment
13 (31.0%)

After someone they know was harassed
6 (14.3%)

Never if they can help it
5 (11.9%)

Other (Explain)
10 (23.8%)

Explain if you marked "Other"


Here via [info]meta_roundup.

As a former investigative reporter, I'm strongly against organizations and people collecting information they don't need that could compromise other people's security.

However, as a former investigative reporter, I've been the target of harassment. :) So I can sympathize with anyone who turns on IP address logging if it's the only measure they can take to prevent harassing posts.

I've never turned on IP address logging, and my posts (both here and at LiveJournal) are open to anonymous posters. I've had a couple of spam posts that I dealt with through deletions; otherwise, I've had no problems - and I have half a dozen communities at LiveJournal with keywords that could attract spammers and random harassers. So, unless somebody has a real problem on their hands, I'd encourage folks not to log IP addresses, because having their IP addresses logged is a genuine security problem for some folks - say, somebody who uses a work computer to post their slashy stuff from. (In some workplaces, IP addresses identify specific computer terminals.) Those folks can be naturally reluctant to release that information to some stranger whose blog they want to post at.

I share your opinion on needless information collections. Internet is a Wonky Wild West right now.

I log IPs of anonymous users to discourage anonymous postings. However, looking at the polls results so far shows that a large number of people don't blink an eye when their IP is being logged. Or won't even notice it happening. Therefore my method is proven ineffective :) Should just disable anonymous comments and remove IP logging.

Dusk, do you live comments in journals what log your IP? I avoid doing that but have made a few exeptions in the past.

I do; my hometown is publicly known, and my exact location can't be pinpointed from my IP address. I just feel a slight bit of irritation whenever I have to, because I know that most of the folks who demand an IP address wouldn't know what to do with an IP address once they'd collected it, so it doesn't really serve any purpose in assisting them.