August 9th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Original poster: unbroken_halo

All right, assignments have been sent out!

Here's what I did. 12 people have been chosen to write a fic for each other. They posted their ads and I gathered them up. I packed them into the dryer, turned it on and picked them out one by one to pair them up. Made a hell of a lot of noise but it was fun, kinda like one of them clown cars. LOL!

Anyway, they have their assignments and the only thing our authors are given for inspiration is just a list of things their person did and did not like. Our authors are also going to be allowed only five thousand words to tell their stories and that's it.

Sound like fun? We hope so and we also hope you'll join us and watch what happens. LJ decided to stick Frank in where we didn't want him so remember to have your birthdate posted or leave me a comment with your age statement on it and I'll add you to the memberlist as this will be the last public post.

So once again, assignments have been sent out and our authors have six weeks to create their works of fiction. Please respond to the emails so I know your received them and if you didn’t, leave me a comment here and I will get yours to you ASAP.

Good luck everyone!
