August 8th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

That's All Folks

Original poster: unbroken_halo

That's all she wrote folks! I'm going to sequester myself with these fine people and find a way to divvy them up and pair them off. Who knows what I am going to come up with but we're going to have fun doing it.


[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

*Swaggering in* Hey, baybee!!

Original poster: eeyore9990

Heh, yeah. Whooooot! Ficcage!

What I Want! )

Hmm, did I ask for too much? If you get stuck, always feel free to just write whatever the hell you enjoy most, because seriously, your love for your fic will come out and I'll be pleased as punch!