August 6th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

*dances* It's my turn....

Original poster: alisanne

LJ name: [info]alisanne here.
Ok, so I'm coming off about 60 hours of being on call, so I hope this post makes sense.
I decided to post now rather than wait for later when I may forget or have computer issues or whatever.
Anyway, here goes!
What I Like )
So, that's it. Not too picky, I hope.

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Okay, here we go....

Original poster: sevs_lil_secret

Here are my requests for the exchange and I'll be honest, I hate making requests... LOL.

LJ name: sevs_lil_secret

What is your ideal fic?: Slash, Gen, Het, Fem,
3 or moresome.... Slash or Gen please. I don't need NC-17 unless you are just so inspired.

List pairings or persons (3 to 5):Snape, Snape/Harry, Snape/Lupin

Kinks, likes, or fantasies. Can be sexual or
... I love AU, non magic, history (accuracy please). I like a fic that is believable. Romance is good, mpreg is good, some angst is good, fluff is good. Believe it or not, I'd rather not read any BDSM themed fic.

Squicks and no-no's. Things to be avoided at all
... As I said, I'd rather not read any BDSM. I don't care for canon at all. No deaths please. No noncon. No nasty bodily fluids that wouldn't normally be shared during sex (if you're going to flush it, I dont' want to read it).

I really hope I'm not being too difficult, but my absolute passion is historically accurate fics. I love AU's and non magic to a point I probably irritate others... LOL.

Anyhow, thank you much in advance.
