August 5th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Sorry! Am late with this

Original poster: inell

LJ name: [info]inell

More here )

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Original poster: sassy_cissa

LJ Name: [info]sassy_cissa

What is your ideal fic? Definitely slash. I adore fluff and smut. I'm not picky about who tops or bottoms. I like to laugh and it has to end happy or where you know they are together in the end. Frottage is a plus. Did I mention smut? lol Seriously, while I love plotty fics...I equally adore pure smut.

List pairings or persons (3 to 5): *in order of preference* Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco, Harry/Draco/Severus, Harry/Bill, Neville/Bill

Kinks, likes, or fantasies. Can be sexual or

General Plotty stuff: AU, bond/mate fic, post war, post Hogwarts, club scenes, UST that gets resolved, misunderstandings, courtship/seduction - with falling in love. And I happen to be one of those nuts who loves a good mpreg fic.

Sexual: Rimming, frottage, oral sex, first time, gotta-have-you-now sex, light bondage, wall sex, blow jobs.

Squicks/Things you'd hate: Non-con, angst (really, I have enough crap in rl...fic is for escape), scat, rent!boy(s), cheating on one another, scat, watersport, fisting, veela or vampire or creature fics, death of one of the couple. As far as I'm concerned book 7 does not exist. PERIOD!

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Request Post

Original poster: nessime_lisen

LJ name: [info]fleurdeliser

What is your ideal fic?: I generally prefer slash, het is fine for side-pairings, and gen is always acceptable.

List pairings or persons (3 to 5): Harry/Draco, Snarry, Snape/Harry gen, Harry/Charlie (or Bill), Bill/Harry/Fleur

Kinks, likes, or fantasies. Can be sexual onot: Unique jobs (no auror, quidditch player, professor, etc.), beginning of a relationship and first times, Harry in a skirt, kids (offspring or no), flangst, positive endings

Squicks and no-no's. Things to be avoided at all costs: Adultery, Scat, WS, Unhappy endings, Exclusively top/bottoom slash, facials