July 27th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

Details, Details, Details

Original poster: unbroken_halo

Someone once said it's all about location, location, location. For me it's about details. Today, I have some more details about the fest that's coming soon. As I said before this is an experimental fest so it's a bit different. Selection has already begun but everyone is welcome to watch the proceedings. Confused yet? That's quite all right. Let me tell you a bit about our little fest and we'll let you decide if you want to stick around and watch.

The Fall Fantasy Fest is a Harry Potter Fan Fiction Fest only. There will be no art just fictions. Slash, Gen, Het, Femslash, 3somes or moresomes may show up here. All kinks and squicks respected and accepted.

Our participants were chosen from all of fandom so you will see different ships, slash and het authors show up in the course of the next few weeks. In our fest exchange, our participants are going to write for each other using a specific challenge.

But more on that later, today, unfortunately, is for rules. Rules are a part of life and necessary. First off, these will be adult stories. That is almost guaranteed. So, you young'un's that are lurking around out there, go away. There are other places for you to play. Eighteen and above only I am afraid.

Secondly, we are adults here and a little bit of common sense and respect is expected. Please use the grey matter with all the wrinkles when speaking with our participants. They've earned it. If you see something that you don't or might not like, don't read it. It's that simple. If you do read it after you were warned and it still offends you. I'm sorry, don't bitch to me, you were warned.

That said, if I find out you are underage or commit an act of incendiary commentary, I will ban you.

Other than that, please enjoy the fics. If you read a story and enjoy it, let our author know. They'll appreciate it and will respond in kind to your words. We are here to have a good time. The only moaning we want with our wank is of that the sensuous kind.
