July 26th, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

The Fall Fantasia Fest Exchange

Original poster: unbroken_halo

Hello and Welcome!

It is little ol' me, unbroken_halo under a guise but not really since I am telling you who I am and what I am about to do.

I know what you are thinking; another fest, another exchange?! Yup, it is. But you can't sign up for it. I know you are looking at the screen and saying: Huh? Say what? Halo has lost her mind this time. Well, no, not really. You can't lose what you never had to begin with. Listen up cause, I am only saying this once. Maybe. You all know I am medicated for your protection.

There's a new fest and you can't participate at this time but you can watch. That's what I'm saying. Now, get the car key out of your ear. One more time. I am saying, right now, there is a fest coming to this spot but you can't sign up for it. You are more than welcome to watch the community though because there will be some excellent Harry Potter fan fiction coming soon. We would like you to join us if you like and I will explain more over the next few days.

I'm not trying to exclude anyone, form a clique, or anything like that. All I've done is create a small experimental exchange fest that I hope you will watch and enjoy. I hope you'll join me as we carry on after the close of canon.
