Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


September 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Thalia and Luke
What: Luke is finally conscious.
Where: The Infirmary
When: Backdated a couple of days before the China stop
Rating: Low
Status: Logged, complete

I only helped so I can punch you in the face )



Finally Free

Characters: Jaime (sort of Ray, too)
When: very late Tuesday night
Location: a cabin in the English woods
Warnings/Rating: PG for implication of sex and mention of nudity
Summary: Jaime reflects on her new-found freedom
Status: Complete / narrative

As far as she was concerned, they were free )



[No Subject]

Characters: Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs
When: Tuesday, just after midnight when the train stops, into the early morning.
Location: Their room [ R 502 ] then Shanghai!
Warnings/Rating: It’s Will, so general uncouth behavior but nothing too bad.
Summary: Will adventures in Shanghai, steals a cane and comes back to bring Jem out with him.
Status: Complete.

He needed that cane. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Nick Andros, Lily Evans
When: Monday, after their network conversation
Location: Lily's room
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated.
Summary: Nick and Lily experiment with translation spells.
Status: Complete

This would be interesting. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Simon Tam & Kaylee Frye
When: Monday evening
Location: Their Cabin
Warnings/Rating: Possibly talk of adult situations or more xD Shall see.
Summary: Maybe there's a catching of the opposite!emotions singing bug on the very last night of it! Maybe.
Status: Closed/In progress

She didn't exactly have a deadline, given any day could be 'wake up in China day'  )

[No Subject]

Characters: Bruce Wayne (as Batman) & Gloria Rush
When: Tuesday, early morning
Location: Room F-105
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Bruce Wayne boards the train, roommates meet, one of them is dressed as a bat, normal stuff.
Status: Closed/Complete

Alfred? )



[No Subject]

Characters: Selina Kyle & OPEN
When: Tuesday, afternoon
Location: Streets of Shanghai
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Shanghai streets are a pickpocket's dream.
Status: OPEN/on-going

Oh, this was like taking candy from a baby. )

Authentic always tastes better

Who: Bill and Pam
What: A couple of vampires on the prowl
When: After the train stopped
Where: Shanghai
Ratings/Warnings: Biting/Glamouring/The normal
Status: Closed, Ongoing

He needed a bite and a change of clothes and not necessarily in that order. )



Out and About

Characters: Prim, open
When: Tuesday evening
Location: a small cafe in sight of the train
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Prim 'sneaks' out but doesn't go far
Status: Open (or dice), ongoing

Well, she'd done it in Tortuga, and that was much more dangerous )



Sweet Escape

Characters: Logan
When: Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
Location: some isolated mountain-forest area in China. What? One exists.
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Logan escapes for sweet, sweet privacy
Status: Narrative / complete

There were some decisions being made ... )

[No Subject]

Characters: Peeta Mellark & Simon Tam
When: Tuesday, early evening
Location: Infirmary car
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Peeta wants to visit Shanghai, but needs his prosthetic leg looked at after running around trying to kill Katniss. Hopefully, Simon can help him out.
Status: Closed (dice) / Complete

Read more... )