Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


April 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

Characters: Trish Wellington, Simon Tam
When: Saturday Evening
Location: Room 703
Warnings/Rating: Pg-13 for language and emotions right now causing her to be a mess.
Summary: Trish has been killed by the love of her life and wakes up in this weird place that she thinks is heaven or something like that.
Status: Complete

This all had to be a bad dream. )



Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah

Characters: Maryanne and Ron Weasley
When: Shortly after lunch
Location: The back kitchen
Warnings/Rating: Low, no naked people in the kitchen!
Summary: Random Pairing! Maryanne is attempting to cook away hard feelings.
Status: Dice! Ongiong! Closed!

You could have been all I wanted, but you weren't honest... )



The Whole New Situation

Characters: Ariana, Daryl
When: Sunday
Location: Parlor car? (or wherever)
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Ari explores and attempts to adjust
Status: !dice / Complete

This was some dream ... )



A Quiet Time

Characters: Isadora, Iridia, open
When: Sunday evening
Location: Observation car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Dora ponders her place on the train
Status: open, ongoing

There was an underlying sense of resignation ... )



Of thoughts and confessions

Characters: Lily, Remus
When: Sunday, after dinner
Location: front kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Lily is roped into confessing things
Status: Complete

Well, it wasn't like she'd hide it for very long anyway )



He was looking forward to a stop ...

Characters: Caleb, open
When: Sunday afternoon
Location: rear dining car
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Caleb contemplates. and eats.
Status: Open, ongoing (or dice)

Acclimation was a process )



Out of his Cage

Characters: Logan, open
When: Sunday night
Location: Front dining car
Warnings/Rating: swears?
Summary: Logan pretends to be social
Status: Open, ongoing (or dice!)

Strangely Quiet )



New Roommates

Characters: Lily Luna, Marvel
When: Sunday night
Location: their room
Warnings/Rating: Pretty low
Summary: Lily Luna moves in
Status: Complete

She could have asked Don, she guessed, but Marvel was more fun )