Posts Tagged: 'series:+nana'


[Non-Event | Open]

[There's a tall, slim punk wandering the halls of the hotel, his blue hair spiked and his sweater and skinny plaid pants artfully ripped. In addition to the chain connecting his lip-ring to one of his many earrings, he's also wearing a black collar and a long, thin chain with a bejewelled silver lighter at the end. Yes, he's a very decorated boy.

He's also a very pretty boy, potentially anywhere between 14-19 years old, with a casual swagger and a cigarillo hanging from his lips. He pauses to light it with the orb dangling near his chest, then digs into his pocket and pulls out a room key. Huh, here's his room. But instead of entering, he leans against the wall and pulls up one leg, blowing out a thick cloud of blue-grey smoke. He's aware that he looks cool. He's doing it for whoever it is he hears approaching.]

((ooc: Shinichi Okazaki from NANA. Please forgive my tragic lack of icons ;; Come play!))

[Event | Open, forthelulz] Arabian Nights, anyone?

[The key, held between two string-callused fingers, winked with a big of magic and promised something sensually entertaining and exotic and most decidedly nothing to do the mission he'd been sent on, and was now pointedly skirting. was much more promising of a little thing than the Olympus Stone, for starters.

And when he stepped into the comfy room of veiled draperies, plush persian rugs and golden-threaded cushions, to find himself quite suddenly out of uniform and in a fez-vest combo more suited for Agrabah?

Well gee. This was gonna be a fun getaway? Hot, balmy and dry enough to work up a good sweat. Was it really a room in here, or just in inside of a caravan tent. Now to kill a few hours, and come up with a decent 'Why I was yet again unsuccessful' excuse.

Lazy music, suited to this kind of wafted in on the baked desert air, along with heavy, heady incense. It reminded him of his best sitar songs, when he was playing the old style of a mysterious, traditional meandering drone.

Demyx discovered a tray of figs and sweet grapes by the large water pipe, and soon was lounging carelessly across the pillows, blowing vaporous perfumed smoke rings and bubbles to amuse himself.]

[ooc:Oh geez I haven't written smutty Demyx in forever, but lets give this whim-whirl a go. Forgive me, people. Oh, and Marina canon on this one.]



[event | open]

[He woke up on the sand, eyes unfocused, mind unclear. There was something heavy in the air, and with it some familiarity, but everything else was new. The crashing of waves broke him out of his haziness, and the smell of salt water brought with it some fear. How did he get here? It was hard to tell. Looking around, he pushed up from the ground and stood tall. There was something strange happening here. His arms hefted his weight easier, his balance was different, and the weight on his back was lighter. Was he free from the dragons? A feeling of relief swelled in him, until he looked down at the water.

Ashton's mind completely ignored his surroundings: the sheer cliff face, and jagged rocks breaking the rough waters all around. All he could focus on was his face in the calm puddle he had found himself next to. What was staring back at him was most definitely not human.]

W- wh--   what?!

[He clenched his scaled hands together, claws scratching against his palms. What had happened to him? Was this what they wanted all along?]

Gy-  gyoro? Ururun? [Panic crept into his voice. There was nothing but silence from them. No answer at all. He was alone in his body once again, but it wasn't him]

(( ooc: Have a cranky/confused half-dragon something Ashton! Perms for harassment, violence, and mind-screws very much open. Any questions, please ask~ <3 ))



[Event // Open // Intro]

This is very odd. The Doctor doesn’t remember getting here but, well, not as if that hasn’t happened before. It better not be the Daleks again. He is sick to sick of Daleks. He can’t imagine why the Daleks would put some sort of strange, pheromone manipulation into the air, though. So maybe not them but…why the abduction? ...the second abduction. He doesn’t remember reading about this in any of Sentience’s information files...

Not to mention that there’s a key in his hand and some sort of additional weight at his throat. With his left hand—the hand not holding a key—he reaches up to feel at his neck and there’s some sort of odd, metallic collar. Could that be what the key fits? Apparently not. It’s smooth all around. He can’t even feel the join, where it must have been fitted together to go around his neck: it’s far too tight to have been pulled over his head somehow. Slipping the key into his pocket for the moment, he reaches for his sonic screwdriver and then sighs in exasperation when he remembers that Sentience took it away.

Alright, secondary options for the key. He takes it out again and examines it. Fairly normal, and plain: the only thing on it is a number. The number which is on the door right beside him. Well, isn’t that convenient. He eyes the door for a moment and then shrugs.

“Ah well,” he says. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” And he unlocks the door.

[ooc: ...he doesn’t shut up even when it’s just action. Sorry for the tl;dr. Also…yeah. This just happened. I couldn’t resist anymore. Feel free to take it whatever way you like: event or non-event, it doesn’t matter to me at all. Made it prosey cos it happened that way but you can use action brackets if you like. Oh yes, and it’s the Tenth Doctor from [info]marinasylum. EDIT: So, for anyone else who decides they want to meet the Doctor, he'll actually be inside the room. Suppose I should also add that anything and anyone goes.]


[Reira's gotten so used to appearing her in a bed that she's a little put out to discover herself in the hallway this time. Sighing grumpily, she stands up and brushes off the back of her ski -

- whoa.

Her skirt is much shorter than usual, and feels almost like leather. Leather? She can feel that she's got stockings and suspenders on, and when she looks at her arm, she sees black mesh. Big black boots on her feet. Studded choker around her neck. The works.

She can't help but laugh - she's shown up dressed like Nana Osaki. Nice joke, wherever this is. Walking a little unsteadily, she sets out in search of her room, hoping there'll be clothes there.]

((ooc: i've been craving some femmeslash lately, so ladies preferred! but men will not be shown the door ;D))



[ event ] [ open ]

[ She has no idea how she ended up on the floor of the hallway, dressed in a very familiar garment. The bindings are secured tight, and she struggles a little to test them, to no avail.

But she can turn her head just enough to feel the press of something around her throat. Well, that would be interesting. ]

((OOC: C.C. is here from [info]marinasylum, and is open for anyone and anything. ]

[Non-Event | Open]

((ooc: Got bored, but I'm spamming marina lately, so I figured I'd make another post here! Ladies and gents both welcome ;D))

[[It's something of a surprise for Reira to wake up at the strange love hotel again, especially this time, as she's actually in a room - it looks like the same one as last time, but she's in a thin peach-coloured nightgown she doesn't recognize at all, curled up in bed.

And there's that feeling again, heavy and warm and hungry, like she's waiting for her lover to come in. But she doesn't have a lover - what happened with Hisoka had to have been an effect of this place. He'd never have been so open, so pliant at the prison. And Shin - well, god only knows where Shin is now.

She stretches languidly, feeling the satin of the sheets slip and slide against her legs, and wonders if anyone will come in. Her hair is fanned over the pillow, the covers kicked off at her feet - a picture of wanton desire.]

[Non-Event | Open | Intro]

[It's pretty hard to unsettle Reira, so when she wakes up and finds herself outside a place she's never seen before, her first response is not what one might expect.]

Oh, it's so pretty~! [Trailing her fingers along one of the brilliant red walls.] I wonder what it is. A love hotel? [Giggles, pretending to be scandalized.]

[At that moment, she finally notices the key pressed into her palm. Curious, she dangles it in front of her face and squints at the small number - how did she wind up with a key to this strange, lovely place? It all has the surreal, floating air of a dream, so she simply goes with it, entering through the front door and peering around the equally lavish interior. If it's a love hotel, they've spared no expense.]

Oooooh~, very upscale. Naoki would love this. What's my room number aga - [That's when she's hit with the strangest feeling: hot under the collar, breathless, and suddenly rather hoping to find someone else here. Who that someone else should be doesn't really seem to matter anymore. She's just got an urge for - for contact, of any sort.]

((OOC: Reira Serizawa from NANA here. Waiting to see if my application will be accepted at a certan game, so I thought I'd hone my craft (so to speak) here. Need a NANA tag!))