January 22nd, 2010



[Non-event, closed]

[Akito's just lounging on one of the beds, humming to himself. He's a little bit bored, so he's talking out loud to Agito. The half-conversation carries out the open door a bit.

Let's hope that attracts someone~]



[EVENT] 010


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir mesdames et monsieurs!

This event's theme is:


Did you wake up with a collar on this morning? Or did you wake up without one? Depending on which, your role in this event should be quite clear. Are you a generous, kind Master?

...or do you take advantage of the fact that the collar will shock, stimulate, or sedate your slave with little more than a word from you?

If you are a slave... are you inherently docile, eager to please? Or do you need to be broken before you behave?

Joie de la vie~!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional. The collars are activated by the words "pain", "pleasure" and "sleep". For the purposes of this event, if your character is a Master, he or she will inherently know this.

Your mod so clearly fails at keeping a schedule, so change over time is TBD.



[Event'd | Open~]

[The mysterious collar is perfectly fitted, not physically uncomfortable in the least. It is the knowledge of its presence that is most intrusive, making Conrad reach up every few moments to finger it gently. It's cool on his fingertips but the side that touches his neck is skin-warm.]

[The degree of humiliation this will cause depends on who happens by.]

((OOC: This event was so made for him! Conrad from Marina in search of a cruel master to match his new collar.))

[Event - Collar'd || Open]

[Collars aren't anything new to him. In fact, he's reaching up to take the thing off. Until he realizes it isn't like his usual one. There's nothing to make the contract... Nothing to take it off. But if there's no contract between collar and master... What exactly does it mean? Who has control? Did anyone or everyone? It's making him a little panicky and on edge. There's not a chance that he wants to be caught off-guard in a situation like this.

Are there command words? Who would it respond to? There are just too many unknowns for him to be at ease at the moment. He doesn't really want to follow just anyone. Mikhail would rather not submit either...

[EVENT] [Open]

[ Has worn metal collars before, and not sure he should be any less wary about it. Trailing his fingers over the band, he looks for a seam, a latch, anything that will let him out of it, and finds none.

And yet, he's not one to hide in his room to avoid the consequences of it. So, he's been acting as usual; jogging through the halls -- the only real exercise routine he's been able to find satisfaction in. ]



[Non-event, closed]

[There is an Akito sitting on a bed in a random room. The teen is frowning and apparently deep in thought. There's something a little...different about him.

Body's curves are slightly different and his build has shifted just a bit. If you don't know him, it'd be impossible to tell the difference. But the subtle changes may give it away if you know him well enough.

Or rather, her]


[event, so very open]

[Lenalee can be found wandering the hallways while idly fingering the collar around her neck. She'd never worn something like that, but due to the nature of this place, she couldn't say she was surprised.

Not that she was happy about it judging from the look on her face, a mix of determination and the beginnings of getting upset at it not coming off, completely distracted from anyone around her as she muttered a few words under her breath.]



[ event / collar'd / closed ]

[Lelouch is lying on a bed in one of the rooms, facing away from the door and tracing fingers over the collar around his neck. He's not sure what it's for, but it doesn't seem to have any seams, he can't get it off, and he's not bothering to try. It's definitely not the same kind of collar the Britannians use on their rowdier prisoners. He doesn't know what it is.

[But he's strangely disinclined to move.]

((sorry harem, closed by demand request))