October 29th, 2009


[[Event | Closed]]

[How they got there doesn't seem to matter. But there the three of them were, enjoying a few beers from a seemingly bottomless cooler. Al seemed to be everything Ed had described, which was nice. Also, their similarities didn't stop at the physical.]

You two should have another. [He reached to the cooler for two more bottles. The box being used for the empties didn't have a visible bottom. They were going to have some pain in the morning.]

((Alfons from Marina! Seeking a specific Al and Ed to drink and eventually have fun with 8D))



[Event, open]

[Being able to separate in this place is so very nice. Though it is somewhat annoying when Lind's little brothers have used it to escape from him for the moment. He'd already noticed a...compulsion, with both of them to just obey. And now separated...

It's tempting. Very tempting.

Thankfully, even separated the three are somewhat connected, so it doesn't take him long to track down one of the other two. And lo and behold, it's Akito]

Thar be something of self-cest behind this cut, if you take Lind and Akito to be the same person )