Jun. 6th, 2012


Who: Rebecca and Greg
What: Grudging acceptance of company
Where: On the way to, and then in, the Forbidden Forest
When: Tuesday, after lunch
Status: In Progress
SFW?: Probably, swearing and general Rebecca-ness aside.

The Forest calls )

Jun. 4th, 2012


Who: Matty and Claire
What: Matty goes for a run because it's the anniversary of his parents' death and he's all kinds of a mess
Where: Out by the lake
When: Monday evening
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG, maybe? Emotional Matty, so who knows.

Matty had always liked running. )

May. 8th, 2012


Who: Claire Coote and Charlie Vaisey
What: Sickeningly fluffy couple stuff. With hot chocolate. shut up my shippy heart grew three sizes yesterday
When: About 5pm, Tuesday 8th
Where: An empty room, somewhere near the kitchens
Status: In Progress

It was sickening. It was cliché. It was absolutely fantastic. )


Who: Charlie Vaisey & Claire Coote
What: Charlie wrote Claire a song to make them feel better after the Benji debacle. Also, maybe to see if they'll catch on to his affections. Maybe.
When: After dinner, Monday 7 October
Where: Empty classroom at end of Charms corridor
SFW?: Yep!
Status: Incomplete

if perfect's what you're looking for, then just stay the same )

May. 6th, 2012


Who: Scott McDermott & Augustus Greengrass
What: Skinny dipping in the rain, nbd.
When: Late afternoon, Oct. 6th
Where: The lake
SFW?: Mostly...
Status: Incomplete

Although it had eased off a little, it was still pouring )


Who: Erin Murphy & Owain Inglebee
What: Studying in the library turns into naptime for Erin, who has an epiphany of a dream.
When: Afternoon, Sunday 6 October.
Where: Library reading rooms
Status: Complete

I'm sleeping to dream about you, and I'm so tired )

May. 5th, 2012


Who: Rebecca Morris and Lucas Jackson
What: Chance meetings
When: October 5, after supper
Where: The Forbidden Forest
Status: In Progress

Who seriously thinks that calling it forbidden will keep ANYONE out? )

Apr. 30th, 2012


Who: Claire Coote, Benjamin Baker, possibly Charlie Vaisey depending on what happens
What: Claire bites the bullet regarding their crush
When: Supper, September 30
Where: The Great Hall
Status: In Progress

It'll all end in tears... )

Apr. 19th, 2012


WHO: Dominique and Rachel
WHEN: [Back] September 18; After this.
WHERE: Courtyard.
WHAT: Curing boredom/Best friend time.
STATUS: In progress

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Who: Benji Baker & Kat Davies-Bell
What: All-too-convenient corridor conversations
When: Tuesday 03 September, after lunch
Where: Charms corridor
Status: Incomplete

If I were invisible, then I could just watch you in your room )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Who: Liam and Sienna
What: A nice little run-in
Where: Hogwarts Express
When: September 1st, late afternoon
Rating: PG, possibly higher as things progress? Who knows with these two.
Status: In Progress

He could already tell the number of times he'd agree to be used as a last resort booty call would probably reach nearly-pathetic amounts before Christmas break. )