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Jun. 20th, 2012


Sooooo Callie fails at RP-life. Yes, that is a real thing. I had unexpected problems with my knee post-surgery, AND I started a new position that required a month's worth of training! I know, not a good excuse, but it's all I've got. I'm back now, and ready to jump right back into things. I've missed this bunch, fo' reals.

If anyone has any plot or threads or ANYTHING they want, lemme know! I seriously owe everyone, so I'm ready to be an RP-slave now. ;)

-Callie (Dominique & Michaela)

Jun. 12th, 2012



So, I moved a couple states over very unexpectedly and started working. What I was expecting was completely redoing the room that I am staying in. ANYWAY, room's done so I am back now! If everyone would update me, that would be fantastic. Felix still hasn't had a thread!

<3 April (Stella/Felix)

Jun. 6th, 2012


Hi guys! Long time, no talk, huh?

I'm finally back after what seemed like a forever-long hiatus! All of my school work is in and it's time for summer to finally begin. With that means getting back into the swing of things and amping up my activity levels. I know I have A LOT to catch up on, so if there's anything in particular you'd like my characters to hit up, leave me a comment and I'll get to it ASAP! Also, don't be alarmed if you get comments on entries from a while back. I'm going to be travelling back through the comm and catching up on all the fun stuff I missed!

Likewise, if anyone has anything they'd like my kids for, please don't hesitate to drop me a line and I'd be thrilled to plot and write with you all!

Leah (Greg/Scott/Taylor/Owain)

Jun. 4th, 2012


Hey everyone! So sorry for the delay (transatlantic flights are NO FUN) but the Happenings page has been updated for November! Go claim cool stuff for your characters!

As a reminder, if your characters are planning anything, let us know and we'll add it to the list. Also, just fyi (because I am too lazy to swap accounts trying not to clutter the comm), this is Lily and I am officially 100% available, back in the good old USA (except this weekend I'm moving). So if you need me for any reason, IMs and emails are the best ways! Even if I don't appear to be online, I'm probably just ninja.


Deidre here!
I just want to apologize for the unplanned hiatus I went on last week. My manager has been out and I have been filling in for most of his hours and on top of that, the last few days I've been sick (the kind where I've been coughing up blood and stuff).

I will probably be slow replying to most posts this week and next. (working 65 hours this week and going to Chicago next week) just wanted y'all to know that I'm still around!!!!


May. 31st, 2012


Ugh, sorry the random, unplanned hiatus. I don't even have exams as an excuse but work and RL things have been a bit hectic and my RPing has just... not happened. Really, really sorry and I'll try to get back on track now :(

Nicole (Jeremy/Ellie/Ethan/Ashley)

May. 30th, 2012



Hi everyone! Kelsey here with my second character! This is Melissa, 6th year Hufflepuff with the blurb of The Musician. She is, not surprisingly, way into music. Almost to the exclusion of everything else. She has a few story lines open. I encourage you to check them out! She is a bit of a flake when not talking about music and has next to no interest in actually learning things in class. She would have dropped out when she turned 17, but her mother gave her a very stern talking to about finishing her education. But has far as she is concerned, magic doesn't actually matter. She's going to do something in the music industry and knowing how to turn a teacup into a hedgehog isn't a skill she really needs to know. She's been featured on the Q a few times and had a minor hit last year. The goal is to have two hits this year!

If you ever have a new song you just need to share or if you need a new artist to listen to, she is your girl! And she could use some friends!

May. 28th, 2012


Brief Hiatus

Hey guys! I just moved to my in-laws (SORT OF. Very impromptu) and I don't actually have anything with me. I was planning to come just for the weekend, so I don't even have clothes, let alone my computer. Situation should be rectified this weekend, but until then I'll be extremely scarce - running on just my ipod.

<33 April (Stella/Felix)


I suck >.>

I didn´t mean to just disappear and I´ve been meaning to post a hiatus message in forever and I didn´t mean to be as absent as I was. I´m in middle of exam period and while I do more procrastinating than anything else, I still feel guilty for RP-ing so I disappeared >.> I´m sorry! I´ll try to be more present from now on and if I´m not, it´s because school´s being mean.

I love you. If I missed anything important I should react to, point me to it, please?

Tina (/Ryan/Rachel)

May. 23rd, 2012


Spilled hot tea, burned my arm. 5 minutes later, spilled tea on my laptop like an idiot. I'll be online on my phone, so I'll be slow to reply. I can be on AIM but probably won't, much. We'll see. The Internet says I should let my laptop dry for 5 days. That's Monday, folks. I didn't spill much tea, but it still sounds like a good plan.

Unhappy with tea for the first time in my life,

May. 20th, 2012


Hey everyone!

So here's my attempt at the shortest intro ever: This is Ian Hemmingway. He has the blurb of The Pacifier. He has a knack of stopping fights and bringing peace to the world but he doesn't really do it on purpose (and he honestly doesn't step up until it's needed). He just has a natural ability to from being the big brother of a big family. He's also the Gryffindor's Seventh Year prefect but he really won't give you detention because he respects everyone equally and is pretty laid back. He's protective over his family and loved ones though and tries to be a good role model for his siblings so he tries to be responsible and would always look at the pros and cons of things. Otherwise, he's a fun guy who's sweet, genuine and fun to be around with cause he's all about mutual respect man.

Oh and a bunch of his storylines are available so please take a gander at it! I'm open to anything and everything as usual so please hit me with your best shot! (And woo! I think this is by far my shortest character intro. LOL.)

May. 19th, 2012


Introducing FELIX! =]

Hey everyone, April here (mun to Stella), introducing my second character Felix Summerby.

Felix is a 6th year Ravenclaw, has the blurb 'The Paranoid One'. Felix lives up to his blurb quite well, and has rather persistent anxiety. About everything. He has a big heart and loves his friends, so he is usually worried on their behalf and more than just a little bit of a wet blanket.

He is obnoxiously smart, which really isn't his friend at all. He knows too much for his own good and the more he learns the more he has to worry about. His most prevalent concern: the high prevalence of STD's among homosexual males. He wants a boyfriend very badly, almost badly enough that he is willing to risk the ocean of AIDS he assumes the general gay male population is.

As for lines, he has several already in game! Liam Morgan - here is your best customer. I don't know her name, but the Lucky Charm! Felix and you need to be friends, plz. He really doesn't want to just be an unfortunate tag along.

He needs some bullies (possibly because he is TERRRRRIBBBLLE with is wand work), a crush, a friend who knows just what to say to calm him down, and someone who realizes his modeling potential. (i mean seriously?!)

Everything else is here!

May. 20th, 2012


Hey gang! Quick note: after the match today, Scott and Charlie decided they wanted to cheer up their housemates. So, on the way to dinner, everyone who passed through the entrance hall would have heard them singing this, with Charlie on guitar and Scott drumming on a variety of surfaces. Feel free to have your characters commenting on the obnoxious sixth years being all peppy or whatever. :)

May. 16th, 2012


First of all - welcome to all of our new players!

For those who don't know me, I'm Leah and I'm one of the mods. I'm so sorry that I haven't replied to any of the recent intro posts. It isn't because I don't love you and the fact that you're here! I've been working on my final coursework pieces over the past few weeks and the finish line is in sight! I have a few more things to do before I'm free for the summer - and become a college graduate! - but until then, consider this a semi-hiatus. I don't want to take a full hiatus, especially since my lovely co-mod will also be a little scarce over the coming weeks, but I will be slower with replies as I get everything finished and handed in. Hopefully I shouldn't be disappearing off the face of the earth!

You can still contact me via AIM (leahtragic) and email ( if you have any modly questions or comments, or if you'd like to discuss anything at all!

Thanks a lot, guys!
Leah (Owain/Taylor/Greg/Scott) ♥

May. 15th, 2012


Hey! My computer cord has crapped out on me, so I'm going to only be able to check things in my phone until I can get home this weekend. So I'm going to be very very slow until then! Sorry about replies!


Ugh I suck. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus. I ended up having to get two wisdom teeth out so I basically spent the last week feeling horrible and trying to get my dog to entertain me. I'm slowly making my way through but if there's anything any of my kids should know, leave a comment :)

- Nicole (Jeremy/Ashley/Ethan/Eleanore)

May. 14th, 2012


New Character!

Alex here again! Since the semester is over, I decided to pick up a new kid.

This is Polly Cross, the Klepto. She goes by Olly, and won't ever answer to anything else. She's a runaway from the foster system, but only a very small handful of people know this. She's sweet as candy, and will be there for anyone at anytime. Olly is a safe when it comes to other peoples secrets, and will never spill them. All around, she's a good person, with a small habit of stealing.

Olly will hug a person and comfort them...all while reaching into their pockets to take something. She isn't terrible, and won't ever steal jewelry or important objects, just the small things. Olly never had a family or any objects to remember them, so she would never do that to someone else. She takes things to survive, and to stay sane. One would never know her past, unless they really watched how cleverly she could turn a conversation, or suddenly disappear when the topic is brought up. Olly is sneaky, to the max.

Woo! So plot? Her storylines are here and so is the rest of her information.



Hey gang! So just letting you guys know, I'm going to be on a bit of a slowatus starting Tuesday. I have a performance, and then after that the Cannes Film Festival starts and I've got an internship for it. I have no idea when/how much I'll be working, so just letting you guys know, if I'm a bit slow at replies and stuff, I don't actually hate you all! Emails or offline IMs are still the best way to contact me. The festival's last day is May 27th so I'll definitely be back in full force then. ♥

ALSO, to avoid spamming the comm, please welcome my newest character Gillian Fielding ([info]theposer)! Her blurb is The Lucky Charm, so if your character hangs around with her, things mysteriously go right for them. Unfortunately, even that's not enough to make her really popular. Gill's mum is a yoga instructor and her family are totally into all that stereotypical New-Agey stuff: they do morning meditation together, they practise tai chi, they only eat organic, they never raise their voices...basically, every stereotype rolled into one. Gillian tries really hard to fit in with them, she just kind of sucks at it. Part of that carries over Hogwarts, where she'll be likely to blather on about your character's chakras...but she also really wants to fit in at Hogwarts, so she tries way too hard to be cool. She has no idea what she wants to be, so she wavers between being "serene" and being super energetic and friendly (her natural state). Also, she's Grace Connolly's personal fangirl, and secretly crushing on Matty Applebee. Her profile is here, she needs friends and/or people who pretend to be her friend to get at her luck (she's too naive to tell the difference), people who are like "lol bitch shut your mouth, you're obnoxious", and everything in between.

Much love on all fronts,
Lily (Scarlett, Benji, Charlie, Erin, Augustus...and now Gill!)

May. 13th, 2012


HI GUYS! I'm back sorry I ended up being gone for a bit longer than I had planned because I had to move back home from school and I had my final crew regatta of the season. Meaning I had to be away from the internet for a couple of days. But I am back! Meaning that I'm home for the summer with lots of free time and ready to rp a lot. I have missed a lot, but I could really use some plotting now! So let me know here or im me at icexhockey93. Other than that I will try and catch up on everything.

<33 Caolinn


So, uh...

This happened.

If your character's in Duelling Club, they'll obviously know about it. Even if they're not, it seems like the kind of thing that spreads pretty fast, so do with it what you will.

After her crazy break, Rebecca spent the rest of Saturday night and Sunday morning in the Hospital Wing, and basically as soon as they let her out, she scaled the building. She's currently sitting on the top of the Clock Tower, and chances are she won't come down until Monday or Tuesday, including for meals/sleep.

So, yeah. Just a heads-up. STUFF HAPPENED.

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